Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lazy weekend mornings

Sometimes we are absolute go-getters on the weekends. Other times, our weekends look like this:

This past weekend was pretty much on-the-go, but this weekend I am envisioning something that looks a lot like this:
striped pants // fragrance // mug // top // facial treatment // cleanser // blanket // nail polish

Sometimes you just need a lazy weekend morning.


Amy Breckenridge said...

ooo i love that top and the blanket. looks so cozy :)

Unknown said...

I adore lazy weekend mornings, especially once the colder weather sets in~

always, koru kate

viv said...

That's a perfect weekend in my book ;)

Leslie said...

Nothing better than a lazy weekend.. making pancakes and lounging in something comfy. Your picks are perfect. I'm loving that white polish and the soft pants:) Have fun today!


ALLIE NYC said...

I love that perfum I used to wear it all the time and I love the striped PJs!

Ali of

Dressing Ken

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Love those pants!! I wish I was curled up having a lazy weekday morning right now!

Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Love those pants!! I wish I was curled up having a lazy weekday morning right now!

Stacey @ Likes to Smile said...

Isn't it funny how weekends seem to transition between go-go-go and please pour me a cup of coffee and hand me a stack of magazines? Also... I majorly love how you envisioned the lower key weekend!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

I had a cozy weekend but it was because I got sick. Boo!! I like having time to relax but not when I feel forced too. HAHA!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Amanda || Eclectic Snapshots said...

Lazy weekends are the best! And that's exactly how this past weekend was spent while visiting grandma!

Marie said...

i live for lazy weekends!!

Best, Mree

henning love said...

ooh i want those striped pj pants! they look so comfy and i prefer a lazy morning any chance i can get :-)

A Very Sweet Blog said...

Pure Grace by Philosophy is one of my everyday fragrances. I absolutely adore it. It's a CLEAN scent! Love the board you put together. It's definitely something I would wear. I have a lot of low-key weekends.

Michelle said...

I LOVE that philosophy saving grace scent, yum!

Jess said...

great post! love the fist picture!

Laura said...

Love your picks. Those kind of morning are the best :) xo

(Eileen) a creative day said...

Lazy weekends are the BEST.

Elle Sees said...

this looks about perfect for relaxing! i'll take everything, esp the blanket.

bridechic said...

I'm totally loving the jeans with the statement belt--really gorg!

Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

Can my weekend be like that too? It looks so cozy and inviting. xo

Jess said...

I need those PJs in my life now! So glad we made it to another weekend!

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