Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{Two} parts Typography

I created a couple boards today for one of my favorite link ups: Oh, How Pinteresting at The Vintage Apple. I found a few quotes in my Typography Board... 1 part design/creative, 1 part inspirational.

I love the meaning behind these quotes and what they mean to me in my current world!
Happy Pinning!

I'm off to Chicago tomorrow! Thank you all for the fabulous suggestions on where to go!


Jenna Lee said...

I absolutely love the somewhere over the rainbow one! These are AWESOME!

Unknown said...

couldnt find your email... we found our flights on kayak! love that site!

birdie to be said...

Thank you so much @Ashley! Hope you guys have a blast!

Sam W. said...

so fun! have a blast in chicago :)
Sam @ fitness food & faith (giveaway today!)

Lauren said...

Oooh, I love the vintage feel going on with so many of these!! And man, it is SO easy to let comparison steal your joy - I have to constantly make an effort NOT to compare myself/my "things" to others for that very same reason.

christine donee said...

oh how I love you pinterest...

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Oh these are amazing. Love love love.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

So stinkin' sweet! Just what I needed favorite is about the dreams you never even knew you had...*sigh* perfect and TRUE! Thanks for the inspiration!

henning love said...

i love that poster of the two girls at the counter it reminds me of me and my best friend, no matter where we are we somehow manage to reconnect and we have known each other from 4th grade! have a great trip!

Amanda said...

LOVED your post today!! all of the quotes and sayings were perfect! have a safe and fun trip!

Olivia said...

"Don't let comparison seat your joy" I love the quote. Hope to find it on Pinterest.

Cat said...

Sigh ... typography leaves me all dreamy eyed :)

❤ Cat brideblu

Anonymous said...

great pins! you should check out my Bobbie Brown make up compact I'm giving away on my blog :) xo

{The Perfect Palette} said...

I have the 'don't let comparison steal your joy' in my quotes board on Pinterest and I love it!

xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette

sherri lynn said...

These are great quotes! Hope you have a great time in Chicago! :) said...

I love these! Such great quotes. Have a great vacation girlie! Can't wait to see pictures!