Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mealtime at Home

I don't have much to offer yet, in terms of the house! It's been a crazy weekend, as you can imagine & I definitely have not organized my pictures yet... let alone emptied half of the boxes we moved! :(

But we are getting there. :)

I would like to share a few photos I snapped with the iPhone over the weekend though...
{I apologize up front for the poor quality pics.}

The Giants game via the laptop + the front porch = Our first lunch at home
 Cardboard plates... Super classy!
And dinner with our first over night guests, the bird's fam!
Note: the white Chinese food cartons as bowls. We've become very creative in our plate-ware due to the kitchen construction... pictures soon to come!


Jenna Lee said...

I love picnics! This looks like fun! Sometimes I surprise Frank by moving dinner outdoors! He loves it. Its like a food adventure!

Unknown said...

Haha, this is how our first few nights at the house went too. We definitely decided to unpack our kitchen first and foremost!

henning love said...

love the first meal and second and the third! that is what you gotta do when moving i can totally relate. you and your husband are super adorable, cant wait for photos when your place is all set up!

Natasha said...

that looks really yummi :)

Dressy Celeb said...

Cute pics! :)

Thank you for your comment!
♥ Dressy Celeb ♥

New post on my blog: Miranda Kerr!

Laura *You Stir Me* said...

this looks fabulous, cardboard plates and all:) These are the simple pleasures and memories of a new place together - enjoy every little minute.

PS - love your blog and so happy to have found you! Thanks for stoppin' by my little ol' place!

Sam W. said...

how sweet :)

i'm sure you'll treasure these cute memories of the first few days!

The Bird said...

I love you and our new home honey! Looking forward to our next picnic together!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love normal things like this - lunch on the front porch, pizza on cardboard - it's the little things that are so fun! :)


Caitlin C. said...

I love all of your creativity!! (And the food looks yummy too!)

Becca {A Blonde's Logic} said...

Very cute!! :)


Stephanie said...

How fun! I'm sure you will look back and love these memories!

Whim Wham Life said...

Awww, what fun memories:-) "Picnic" dinners every night! xoxo

Simply Camylla said...

one thing is for sure, you guys ate some REAL good food! :)

Lots of Love,

jessica // union shore said...

the joys of moving! it might be stressful/hectic, but times like these are whats special... looking back, you'll love these memories!

{The Perfect Palette} said...

i'm loving the looks of these meals. take out is the best. hope you're enjoying getting settled in.

xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette

Val said...

I'm loving this. You are super adorable!! I'm in need of some take-out =)

Leslie *Fresh Out of Lemons* said...

Those floors are gorgeous!! (I had to resist typing that in capitol letters!)

Newlymeds said...

this is so adorable!

www.StarHughes.com said...

Oh my gosh I LOVE it! You two are the cutest!!! And you somehow make all three of those meals sound romantic and amazing!