Wednesday, May 11, 2011

green goodness

Hello, Day 3!

This morning's shake was very good- my favorite so far. We also had it last night for dinner. We decided to create our own concoction this time. We stayed within the portion size and ingredients available to us.
Apple Pear Butter
1 medium apple
1 pear
2t almond butter
1 cup almond milk
1 scoop Amazing meal (vanilla chai)
1T flaxseed meal
1t vanilla
pinch of cinnamon
handful of ice
*I keep forgetting to mention in the other posts that the portion size used in the smoothies is for 2 servings.
The green coloring can be attributed to the color of Amazing meal powder. You can see the sprinkles of cinnamon and flax meal.

I dont think my body has quite adapted yet to the new eating habits. I have been feeling a little more tired and definitely pretty hungry at times. Particularly between lunch and dinner. But its only day 3 and I know the cleanse takes an adjusting period. But after about a week, you are acutally suppose to have an increase in energy. This is because your body is using less energy to digest foods that are described as 'hard to digest.' It makes sense... but I will let you know how that works for me. :)

And just for some general encouragement, I created a board today at Polyvore.


  1. What a great look concoction!

  2. such a cute beach bum outfit!


  3. Just read that you began your cleanse! Best of luck! I did the Jay Robb Fruit Flush for three days, very easy and I saw great results!

    Oh & that almond butter looks divine!

  4. Love that look -- especially the scarves!

  5. That shake sounds really good and soooo healthy too! I love the all the clothes too. That hat is adorable =)

    - Sarah

  6. Yeah, I've heard that it takes about a week to adjust. YOU CAN DO IT! That smoothie sounds SO tasty!

  7. Almond milk is on sale at Kroger this week...I might have to try replicating one of your smoothies. :)

  8. That does look pretty tasty...I'm so impressed with your drive, girl! I think that inspiration board would motivate me, too (c:

  9. Wow, you are brave girl! I don't think I could ever cut out oats from 21 days - very impressive! I just stumbled across your blog and looked through all of your posts - it looks like we started blogging almost the same time! Anyways I love your site - it is so cute and funny and fun to read!

  10. Thanks for your nice comment about my necklace :)
    Wow, good luck with the cleanse. I will be headed to the gym today for the first time in a loooooong while. Time to get "it" back :)

  11. oohhh I love the beach bum collage!! Very nice! :)

    <3 Belly B

  12. This one sounds delishh too! I really need to start smoothie-ing it up in the am. Beach season is fast approaching! Bye bye bagles.

     Delighted Momma

  13. I love your beautiful board, everything is so pretty and stylish. Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment!


  14. Lovely bikinis! I wonder if I can find something like those...

  15. an apple pear butter smoothie sounds scrumptious :-) love your beach board - the pink & gray tones are so fresh and lovely!

  16. I bought Silk Almond Milk to try for the first time! Pretty good in my oatmeal. :)

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog !! Love the beach bum look.


  18. I love that entire look! The sarong is my favorite, I think. Thanks for stopping by Cardigan Junkie!

  19. Hi there! Love these posts from Polyvore! Thank you for stopping by our blog last week, we lost some comments when blogger went down but I wanted to stop in and say hi! I have to jump on some of these recipes too, such a cute blog!

  20. I love your summer style board! I just bought a straw fedora, but I may have to swap out the standard black ribbon for a nautical, striped one.


Lovely notes to be