Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday!

I have been so discouraged with Blogger all day! I dont know how many of my readers have blogger... but its has been down for like a day and a half. By down I mean, my post from yesterday was deleted! AND... my lovely comments were deleted from yesterday too! :( I am hoping they will all be back up soon. I love my comments from all of you!

On another note, Happy Friday! I love my weekends. I usually get so caught up on school & house work and love having time with my family & the bird! I'm a happy camper when Friday rolls around.
This weekend my goal is to pick up some yummy ingredients to recreate some of the delicious looking recipes that are outline in the Clean Cleanse. Its going to be a long 21 days if we don't start spicing things up a bit. We are also headed to the Farmer's Market Saturday morning! So glad it has started again! Wish me some good finds. :)

Have a great weekend! XoXo


  1. oh no.. that sucks! Wordpress was being funny to me last week too, but I'm happy now because they managed to solve the problem. I hope u'll be able to retrieve the lost post!

  2. It did that for me too! :( Deleted two of my posts and the comments with it. Boo!
    Have fun finding stuff from the Farmer's market! :)

    <3 Belly B

  3. UGH hasn't this blogger thing been frustrating! I would REALLY like my comments back.

    Have fun at the farmer's market! Let us know what goodies you get!

  4. It seems almost back to normal now. But what a hassle! Hope the farmer's market was good!

  5. can't believe blogger was down so long! thanks so much for stopping by my blog! yours is lovely!


  6. I know! Blogger was so tempermental!

    Oooh, sounds good! How did the cooking go?

  7. Actually Blogger lost my Friday post comments and all. I write for another blog so it was impossible to get the post off Thurday night (due Friday morning) Very frustrating. Your recipes look fabulous . . .


Lovely notes to be