Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Amazing shakes

First of all... THANK YOU for all of your kind and encouraging comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to read all of your posts.

Today is Day 2.

Today's Morning Shake:
Becky's Morning Shake
8 ounces of water
3-4 ounces unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 of an avocado
2 teaspoons organic almond butter
a pinch of sea salt
1 scoop Amazing Meal (vanilla chai)
1T flaxseed meal
1t agave nectar

Teence of nutmeg for taste

This shake is very different. We added the nutmeg to the recipe... which I can really taste this morning. The consistency is great; very smooth and creamy.

Last night's dinner shake:
Mango Cardamom Blast
2 ripe mangoes, peeled and cut into pieces
1 cup coconut water
2 tablespoons dried and unsweetened shredded coconut
Zest and juice of 1 lime
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
Handful of ice cubes
Garnish with lime zest and freshly ground black pepper
1 scoop Amazing Meal (vanilla chai)
1T flaxseed meal

A little note about the Amazing Meal I have been referring to. I wish I could remember where I first saw Amazing Meal and how I came about their website... but either way, I found it. It's a whole new take on Protein Powder, which can be so grainy and full of chemicals & fillers. Here are the stats for the Vanilla Chai:
We also ordered the Original flavor from their website. We are just awaiting the shipment. In the meantime, we bought a small container at Whole Foods (aka my mecca). I like this product because they use Organic ingredients and a mix of greens and veggies. It's also high in fiber & nutrients and low in fat & sugar.

I realize with all these wordy posts, I am really going to have to start working on some pictures. I will aim for that tomorrow.


  1. mmm, yum!! i love some interesting shakes :)

  2. Those shakes look interesting. I bet they are really good for you too :-)

  3. The mango cardamom shake sounds delicious! Now, to purchase a blender...

  4. Wow, such interesting and yummy sounding shakes...healthy without being dull. Whole Foods is my favorite, too :)

  5. Wow, good for you for doing the cleanse! The shakes actually look pretty good. . .
    Thanks for your comment on my blog -I've been enjoying looking around your blog too! :-)

  6. What a nice list of recipes of interesting shakes to share:)

  7. Wow-these sound great!! Maybe this whole cleanse thing isn't so bad after all! Looking forward to reading more and seeing pictures!

  8. What a delicious shake recipes! Thank you for sharing..they look tasty! I want to try mango cardamom...I love both but didn't think of the combination. YUM!

  9. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looks like you love eating as much as I do. Only your food is healthier! :o)

  10. Ohhhh... Almond milk is hard to come by here but I will give Mango cardamom a try :)

  11. Thank you for your posts! The recipes given are very unique. I am going to try to invent my own as well to keep my pallet interested for 3 weeks. If you have an great alternatives or ideas... I'm all ears! :)


Lovely notes to be