Monday, September 7, 2015

News to share

I hope you are having a nice, long weekend!

I wanted to share some exciting news with you... We will be moving to Austin, Texas!
It is finally official and I am excited to say we are moving there... this week!

So... I need all of the suggestions, recommendations and blogger friends you have!

Image via


  1. Oh my gosh, so exciting!! I don't think I have any blogger friends in Austin, but I'll think about it!

  2. How fun!! Such an exciting couple of months for y'all, good luck in the move!!

  3. I LOVE Austin!! You will have so much fun. I can't imagine being able to have Homeslyce or Torchys tacos all of the time, I will try to live vicariously through you ;)

  4. Eek, so exciting!! I've never been to Austin so I can't wait to follow your adventures! :) Good luck this week!

  5. Soooo exciting! Congrats gurlie! Can't wait to hear about your new place and new city adventures :)

  6. Wow, that is so cool! You are gonna have so much fun!! Congrats!!

  7. ahh how exciting! i have never been so no recommendations, but super exciting news!

  8. congrats!! that's such exciting news. i've never been to austin but i've heard it's a pretty awesome city. best of luck with the move (THIS WEEK!!) you're so sneaky! xoox

  9. congrats!! that's such exciting news. i've never been to austin but i've heard it's a pretty awesome city. best of luck with the move (THIS WEEK!!) you're so sneaky! xoox

  10. How fun! Girl you are always going on an adventure. Never been to Texas but I know you will have a BLAST! (PS I totally thought this was going to be a baby announcement ;)

  11. WOW! How exciting - good luck with the move!!

  12. Austin is one of my favorite US cities! Y’all are going to have a blast!

  13. I LOVE Austin! Good luck with the move and I can't wait to hear more about your new life in Texas. xo

  14. Yay!! I'm down in San Antonio so I'm not far away! :)

  15. DG and I just added Austin to our wanderlust list! Good luck with your move! xo


Lovely notes to be