Monday, September 21, 2015

Adventures in Austin

We are finally feeling settled into our new digs in Austin.
We moved out of the short term hotel stay and into our apartment. It's so nice to unpack! Our place is in amazing proximity of great restaurants, a running trail on the water and the Whole Foods flagship store.
Juice Austin // Hey Cupcake // Bar 96 // Cafe 1886 (amazing pastries and brunch)

We love Austin. There is so much to do, see and eat! Definitely more adventures and explorations around Austin to come.

Linked with B Loved Boston


  1. Glad you're getting settled in and are loving Austin! Looks like the weather is amazing! Can't wait to hear more about it!
    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. Definitely on my list of places to visit - in the mean time I'll live vicariously through your photos! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. i'm headed there this weekend and am SO excited!!

  4. So happy to hear that the move when went!! Looks like you all are settling in nicely. Looking forward to hearing more about Austin. It's totally on my list of places to visit one day.

  5. Congrats on the new beginning! :D I love that picture of you two!! :)

  6. Glad you are getting settled in! I love Austin and hope you do too! Have you tried Barton Springs yet?!? It is amazing!

  7. Austin is so much fun, I love the graffiti sign :)!

  8. Yay for getting settled, looks like such a beautiful and fun city <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. im glad you're loving it so far! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Sounds like a great location for you new apartment! Good luck settling in and continuing to explore :)

  11. How fun! Looks like you've already found some great places to explore in the city :) How long will you be there?? xx

  12. It feels so good to finally be in a new space and able to unpack! So excited for yall!

  13. So glad everything is going well! Isn't it so much fun to explore your 'new city'?!

  14. so happy that you're settling into your new place in your new city. the best is exploring your surroundings and finding favourites :)

  15. I have heard such fabulous things about Austin! We need a full apartment tour!

  16. Looks so fun! Glad you are enjoying the new city so far!

  17. Woo-hoo! Austin is soo much fun! Cannot wait to follow all your new adventures~

  18. so good to hear it's going well! love the pictures, can't wait to hear about more adventures!

  19. I keep hearing the most amazing things about Austin! I love your pictures! And yay for unpacking! xo

  20. Love the pictures, glad things are going well!

  21. Awesome pics! Looks like you're living in such a great place! Have fun!

  22. yay for y'all! i've always wanted to visit there, so i can't wait to hear about your favorite places.

  23. So fun! Congrats on the move!! I'm from Portland, Oregon and I've always heard that they are eerily similar. Would love to explore there some day.

  24. So glad you are moved into your new place and getting settled. And now that I know a blogger gal in Austin, having it on my bucket list makes it that much more appealing ;) What a fun city!

  25. Glad that you're starting to settle in! Enjoy exploring your new city (that's definitely been my favorite part of my recent move!)

  26. It looks gorgeous! Have fun exploring :) xx

  27. I love Austin! And I'm sure you'll fall in love with the city more each day.

  28. Welcome to Austin!! I love that juice bar made from a shipping container on S. Congress!!


Lovely notes to be