Friday, June 27, 2014

Updates, News and Links

I have a mishmash of things to bring to you today. All good, fun and exciting!
- We are moving home! Not yet, we have a couple trips planned. But in August, it's back to San Francisco we go! WooHoo! More to come as we finalize all the details.

On that note...
- Next Friday, we are off to Palma de Mallorca, Spain to meet up with one of my besties who is traveling there.
- And in July, we are taking a cruise! It leaves from Venice, traveling to Croatia, Greece and Turkey. I've officially dubbed this trip our grand finale. I cannot wait! Currently taking all recommendations.

- Watermelon sherbert with chocolate chip seeds? Yes, please.
- Loving this retro beach radio. My two favorite are the mint/neon or the gray/coral ones.
- This is the ultimate overnight oats recipe. Looking forward to making this soon!

Image by radostina for 79ideas
Linked with Meet at the Barre



  1. How exciting that you're moving home - but even more great is that you still have some exploring left to do!! The weather you will have will be out of this world for your cruise!!

  2. I want to go on vacation with you!

  3. Yay for moving back!! And seems like you guys are ending your stay with a bang! Both trips sound awesome!! Enjoy!! Xo

  4. that cruise!!! Cannot wait to see your pictures!! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  5. Well the only recommendation I have is for you to take me with you on your cruise!

    I love that radio too! I didn't know such a thing existed.

  6. Very exciting about your move!! And totally jealous about Spain! Have an amazing time!

    <3, Pamela

  7. Yay for moving home!! So glad you still have time for more trips! I've heard Croatia is gorgeous. I definitely recommend eating at Trattoria alla Madonna before you leave Venice... SO good!

  8. Mmmmmmm overnight oats are so good! Congrats on moving home soon -- and I can't wait to read all about the things you have lined up in the meantime :)

  9. Hooray for moving home and lots of fun trips before you come back!!! Soak it all up before moving home!

  10. Wow! that is such great news that I'm sure you are truly happy about. As gorgeous as Ireland is, I'm sure it'll be fabulous to be home.

    Happy Weekend!
    XO, Gina

  11. Way to go out with a bang before you head home! The cruise sounds phenomenal!

  12. How exciting! It sounds like you'll be making the most of your time left abroad~

    always, koru kate

  13. yeah for coming back to the states!!! It sounds like you will be making the most of your travels before then!

  14. so exciting you're moving home! we have to meet up!!! fun travels ahead! XOXO

  15. Sounds like you are getting in some really great trips before heading back! Yeah! Enjoy it and take lots of pics so we can ooh and ahh. ;)

  16. Yay for coming back home! We will need to meet up for certain!!

  17. yay for moving, how exciting! and even more exciting more travels! i'm so jealous and love living vicariously through you. also, i need that radio in my life.

  18. What a way to round up your adventure! We have got to schedule in a couple of dates before you leave xo

  19. so many exciting things stored for you in the coming months! happy for you!

  20. Moving is always exciting! Good luck :)

    XO AJ
    TheAJMinute | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin

  21. wow! so many fun things ahead before you move home! congrats!

  22. Congrats on coming back home!! you will love Palma....I have been there many times. And that cruise!! I want to go in your suitcase!

  23. Wonderful news that you all are moving home!!! So excited for your upcoming trips, they sound amazing.
    Best, Mree

  24. Yay for moving back home!! So exciting. That cruise sounds like the perfect way to say goodbye to Europe :)

  25. congrats!! i know you are excited.

  26. Your travel schedule is a dream! I want to be back in Europe SO badly.

  27. How exciting!! I bet it's bitter sweet to leave such a beautiful place, and that you've had so many awesome travel destinations at the tip of your fingers, but it's always great to go home :) The grand finale trip sounds amazing - Greece is on my bucket list for places I want to visit! xx


Lovely notes to be