Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekend in London (snippet)

The bird surprised me with a trip to London this past weekend.
I knew we had something planned... but I didn't know what or where. I am usually the one to plan out our trips, so it was such a nice surprise!

My brother comes to visit us in Dublin in March and we are planning on taking him to London then too. So this weekend was just a mellow weekend away. Less about site seeing and more about having a fabulous weekend getaway... and seeing The Book of Mormon. So good! More pictures to follow this week.
Today I will end with this lovely piece via. Have a Happy Monday!

Linked with Join the Gossip


  1. Sounds like it was a really great weekend!! And you'll get to see even more of London in March!!

  2. How fantastic! London is one of my fave cities...hope to go back someday :)

  3. so fun!! i have never been to london but it is on my to-viist list. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Beautiful. Happy Monday to you, friend!

  5. i love surprise trips! not a bad place to spend a weekend at all :)

  6. what a fun weekend and what a sweet husband!

  7. That is so fun that it was a surprise!! We are planning on going to London at some point in the next few months. So excited. xoxo

  8. love that graphic and excited for your BoM review :)

  9. Such a sweet hubby! Hope y'all had a blast!

  10. Aww sounds like you had a great weekend. Can't wait to see more pictures!

  11. How magical! It's crazy to me how easy it is to travel within Europe. Glad you enjoyed the getaway :)

    Thanks for linking up!

  12. a weekend in London sounds fantastic... happy week!

  13. It's like you made the perfect quote appear at the perfect time!! Love it. And I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful weekend in London! xoxo

  14. Ahhh a spontaneous London sounds dreamy!

  15. Sometimes those are my favorite vacations! No pressure, just easy enjoyment.

    But when you have time- take in London! I went to school there in college and it was an amazing city (wouldn't mind moving back!)

  16. Glad you had a fantastic weekend! That is a great picture of the two of you :))

    xx em

  17. Hope you had a wonderful time in London!! I'm heading there in March and cannot wait!!

    Best, Mree

  18. Such a fun surprise! Hope you two had a blast!

  19. surprises are always great! can't wait to see more pics!

  20. please post more pictures of London!! It is my dream vacay and I just can't get enough of looking at pictures! So fun he planned the trip for you!

  21. I am seeing Book of Mormon for my birthday in March. So excited!

  22. OH I'm so jealous. The things I would do for BF to whisk me away on a surprise trip to London-- my favorite city!!

  23. Amen to that quote!!! Loving the picture of you and hubs too.
    XO, Gina

  24. Well aren't you a lucky lady! Definitely share more pics soon :)

    Thanks for linking up!


Lovely notes to be