Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Quick Trip to London

Last Friday, the bird and I hopped over to London for a quick weekend trip.

It was so easy from Dublin that I was surprised we hadn't done it before. The flight was only about 45 minutes!
We didn't do a lot of the 'normal' London site seeing this trip since we plan to come back with my brother when he visits in March. But our hotel was right next to Big Ben and the London Eye, so I managed to snap a couple pictures.
We walked a lot, stumbling upon lots of great neighborhoods, streets and shops.
The main reason for our trip was to see The Book of Mormon. I had been dying to see it... and was definitely not disappointed.
It was so good; absolutely hilarious! I highly recommend it!

We stayed at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge and I would definitely recommend this hotel too. The rooms were very nice and so spacious. It's also in a great location for walking or taking the Tube.

If you are headed to London, check out this fun post about the Loveliest Places for a Date in London!


  1. Great pictures!!! Thanks for the info on London!! You and Bird are so adorable!! Glad you had a good time.

    Best, Mree

  2. Love London! For all the times I've been to the UK, we spent most of our time in Scotland and only went to London once. We did all the tourist-y stuff though and it was great! Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Crown Jewels, and I would highly recommend Madame Tussad's - it was so much fun! :))

  3. I am dying to go to London! Most of the Chick Lit books I read take place in London so I feel like I know the place haha!! So glad you enjoyed the show!!

  4. oh london, how i love thee!
    that picture of you and the hubs is just adorable.

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  5. Stop with those cupcakes they look amazing!The last time I went to London we climbed to the top of St. Paul Cathedral it was the most amazing view of the city!

  6. so nice to be 45 minutes away from london! carnaby street!! hummingbird! you're making me miss it too much! xo

    the well-traveled wife ♥

  7. that is SO awesome that the flight is so short! looks like you had a great time! i really want to visit london eventually! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  8. What a great recap! Love all the pics. One day...

  9. Sounds like a fantastic weekend getaway! London is such a beautiful city.Looks like you had some pretty good weather too :)
    Suzanne from written by suzanne

  10. that picture of big ben makes me want to go to london so badly. it's definitely on my list to go one of these days. and you get to go back in march! how exciting! can't wait to see more pictures after your visit then!

  11. Great photos! I absolutely love that shot of you and your hubby. You look gorgeous:)
    XO, Gina

  12. Pretty girl! I am headed to see Book of Mormon down in Southern California for my birthday in March. So excited!

  13. B E A U T I F U L. Looks amazing.

  14. loved the photo of the two of you! So glad you had fun.

  15. i wanna see book of mormon so badly! it plays here in atl but i think it's sold out already.

  16. Glad you had a great time! I can't wait to see Book of Mormon; it's definitely on my list!

  17. Yayy!! I am so incredibly jealous and so glad you had a good time! Just pinned the date thing, too... Here's hoping I get there soon!!

  18. That looks like the most lovely weekend trip!

  19. What a great blog you have here :) and Im happy to follow.

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    Have a great day dear

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  20. I LOVE your pictures! Anytime I see or hear anything about London, I'm floored once again by the city magic. I studied abroad there for a semester, and I dream of going back there all the time!

  21. It seems like you had a great time in London! It's one of my favorite cities and I hope to go back and live there again :)


Lovely notes to be