Thursday, August 8, 2013

Book review: Lessons from Madame Chic

I never used to be the reading type. In school, I despised reading. Mostly because I would fall asleep halfway through a sentence and end up reading that sentence 10 times before moving on.

But lately, I'm constantly on the look out for a new read. I love a good memoir, a summer chic 'flick,' and a book I finish that truly changes me.
Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I learned While Living in Paris did just that.

This book touches on so many aspects of life, from style to food to culture. It made me think about my own life and want to live a more fulfilling, respectable life.

• One of the things we've made more a habit to do over here already is eating without the presence of tv, phones, etc. A little background music and some good old fashion conversation is worth being disconnected for 30+ minutes.

• My closet and shopping habits have also taken a turn for the better. I love shopping as much as the next blogger girl, but what the book talks about is quality over quantity. She goes into more detail about "never having anything to wear"- which is something I often say as I stare into my overflowing closet. Overall, she recommends a minimal wardrobe with quality, stylish pieces that can be mixed + matched throughout the week.
unknown source

• And the last piece I want to touch on is making everyday a special occasion. I have always been a 'saver,' meaning I always want to save my best outfits, our wedding china and new purchases for a special occasions and special guests. But something I hadn't thought about is that my husband and those I see most often are the most special. I am slowly transitioning into this one (as I hesitantly remove new tags from gifts I received months ago)! Eek!

The author also has a blog called The Daily Connoisseur, consisting of videos and excerpts from her fabulous book.

Do you have any good book recommendations to share??


  1. Sounds like a great book and a must read! There's nothing more true than the believe of quality over quantity -especially for a wardrobe!

  2. OOoh it sounds really good! I'm reading The Telling Room right now and love it!

  3. Ah, my husband and I need to work on turning off the TV when we eat. We have a bad habit of watching TV while we eat dinner. Well, it's pretty much my thing because he doesn't actually watch much TV. Oops. :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  4. Quality over quantity is so important .. and then you can always mix in a few less expensive trendy items. I'm going to check out the book!

  5. Sounds like I should pick up this book...I'm always saying I have nothing to wear (even though it's so not true).

  6. I think I would pass out if I ever owned a closet like this! I am reading a book called...wait for it...The Liar, The Bitch and The is a super fun snarky read.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  7. this review really makes me want to read the book! I am forever stuck in the quanity not quality part of shopping! I am trying to get better!

  8. Oh I heard so much about this book! I've been watching her videos on youtube the daily connoisseur. I love the idea of the 10 item wardrobe, but I think it would be so hard!
    Suzanne from written by suzanne

  9. I must pick this up, it sounds great! xo

  10. That closet would be my dream closet.


Lovely notes to be