Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Poker & Baseball

What a weekend! It was crazy busy... fun, but exhausting!

Friday: A couple great friends came into town from Orange County. They went to Napa for a celebration. More about that tomorrow! How I love seeing and staying in touch with my old friends. Sigh. We met them in St. Helena for dinner at Market. Delish!

Saturday: I am now officially yoging again! YAH! My mom & I are training for a 1/2 marathon in August and are doing a trial period at a local Yoga Studio: three dog yoga.
Its the only power yoga I have found since moving up here. {In Orange County, I was loving Core Power Yoga. If you have one near you... its fabulous- check it out!} Afterwards, the bird & I hit up the farmer's market. Then went to my bro's little league championship game. I am excited to announce they took it all! What a stud!

On Saturday night, we had a Texas Hold 'em night scheduled. Let me first explain... I have NEVER played before. But awhile ago, the fam & I auctioned for the tickets at a little league fundraiser. And won. I made the bird give me a quick tutorial on the ride over. I was so nervous! Those guys on tv are so intense!

It was a blast! It was nice spending time with the fam. And not to make a big deal out of it... but I actually won! So ridiculous! And all beginner's luck!
Here is me with my winnings... still in quite a bit of shock!

SUNday: Father's Day! We took my dad & brothers to the Giants & As game in Oakland.
Huge Giants' fans!

And then there's the bird...
And I am sorry to report, not only did the As win that game, they swept us and won every game of that series. Boo!


  1. I love the last photo. Its adorable.

  2. How are you liking Three Dog Yoga? It looks really nice!

    I just started doing yoga but am doing it at Power House Gym on 5th St in Santa Rosa -- can't really beat the price there!

  3. @MadeinSonoma: Its just a trial week. But I love the power yoga class! Thanks for the info on Power House, I will check that out too!

  4. looks like such a fun weekend! ive been meaning to get into yoga - maybe this summer!

  5. Looks like a fantastic weekend!

  6. Looks like you had a great weekend! yoga is SO relaxing... I should start going to a class again :)

    Love, vanilla


  7. Looks like uch a blast! I love yoga!! So glad you stopped by my blog I'm loving yours...you've got a follower!

    Recipes Fashion Marriage

  8. @Leslie: I'm sure there are different variations of Power yoga, but in my experience, it is fast-paced and continual movements in a heated atmosphere. You (or I) sweat a lot! And they poses are challenges and you even get your cardio going. Its my favorite.

  9. I haven't played poker in a while, but I used to play all the time and loved nothing more than to beat my husband and all his friends and take their money :)

  10. Wow, sounds like you are just winning lately!!!! You and the bird are sooo cute by the way. One of the cutest couples ever! Sounds like a great great weekend and lots of fun!
    Star Hughes Living

  11. What a great post!! I'm a Yoga junkie....I can't get enough. Congrats, on your win.

  12. Yeah Giants!! But I was sad they lost to the A's...at least they won last night!


Lovely notes to be