Friday, June 17, 2011

Oaty oats

I am working (& summer schooling) from home on Fridays now. I have to say, the best part of my morning was making stove top oats. I love having oats for breaky, but am often throwing them in the microwave. So I was really looking forward to good old fashion stove top oats. And they were DELICIOUS!
Oaty Oats
1/4c oats
1/4c oat bran
1/2c water
1/4c unsweetened almond milk
1t vanilla
1-2t flaxseed meal

Topped with:
1/4c almond milk
shake of cinnamon
1T peanut butter
Actually, I 'bottomed' my oats with peanut butter. Before placing the oaty oats in the bowl, I dropped the pb in. That way it would be melted, gooey and easily mixable in the oats.

This was soooo good & soooo fillling!

Happy Friday & Father's Day weekend! Which I know does not particularly pertain to anyone reading this, at least not on the receiving side. But still, its a reason to celebrate! The bird & I are taking my dad to the As v Giants game on Sunday (GO Giants!) then going out to dinner with Big Bird (aka, the bird's dad).

What are you doing for Father's Day?


  1. I miss this... i can't eat any oats or bran :( but its sooo yummy. I miss granola bars so much

  2. Looks delicious and the blueberries look so plump!

  3. This looks delish! I've always wanted to make oats on the stove, but was too intimidated. Don't ask me why. However, I'm really going to do it this time and use this recipe. I love the peanut butter idea!

  4. This looks fantastic, and I am an almond milk girl

  5. will you come & make me breakfast tomorrow morning? your oaty oats look delish!

  6. Mmmmmm. That sounds and looks delish! We're going to the zoo for Father's Day tomorrow!

  7. I love some good blueberries in cereal/oatmeal! We did a family canoe day trip yesterday for father's day- so fun my man, my arms/shoulders hurt today! haha

  8. I haven't had oatmeal in forever. I'm off grains and when I cheat I go for the sugary stuff ;)

    PB on the bottom sounds excellent though!

  9. Love the idea of putting a scoop of peanut butter in the bottom of my oats! Sounds delish!! I hope you had a great weekend with the Big Bird (such a cute nickname by the way!)
    Star Hughes Living


Lovely notes to be