Monday, June 27, 2011

Oats 'n Wine

But not together... at least not mixed in!

I finally ventured out into the Overnight Oats in a Jar world... what others refer to as OOIAJ. I had been waiting for the 'almost empty jar of nut butter.' When I finally got down to the last tablespoon or so, I was super excited to try them out. I took my tips from some of my favs: Lee, Ashely, Heather, & Kath.
One of my absolute favorite butters! This brand is soooo creamy & delicious!

Simply OOIAJ
1/2c Oats
1/8c Oat Bran
1/2 water
1-2t leftover Almond Butter
Dash of Cinnamon
Dash of Vanilla
In the morning, I topped my oats with homemade granola & fresh fruit (strawberries, blueberries & raspberries).

Breakfast was very fulfilling. It wasn't very sweet, so feel free to add a little sweetener to your mix. Next time I am also going to add almond milk to make the consistency a little more creamy.

Thank you for all your sweet weekend comments! We had a blast pouring at the wine event. Just to give you a little background, my mom owns a winery in northern California, Rack & Riddle. After leaving my first career after 4 years, I moved back home and began working there.

A couple of our wines won a medal in the Los Angeles International Wine Competition and we poured the gold medal winner: Blanc de Noir at the event.
It is a fabulous sparkling wine! If you are interested in further details, feel free to contact me. Also, we offer custom wine labels for special events, weddings, etc, so if you are interested... let me know!


  1. ok well let me just say I am SUPER jealous! I would love to work no a vineyard! what a beautiful job. I love win and vineyards it all so fun! Congrats on the award

  2. That is so cool that your mom owns a winery! We visited Napa/Sonoma Valley last year on our honeymoon and had a blast :) Congratulations on such a successful tasting!

  3. That OOIAJ looks scrumptious!! Love the name too ;)

  4. Ok so cool!! I want a custom wine label ;) If I end up needing labels for something I will def contact you! Your concoction looks very interesting..but I DO LOVE LOVE almond butter!

    XO Lindsay

  5. Sparkling wine is just great! And kudos for making homemade granola!

  6. Oooh yum that looks and sounds great!! And congrats on the amazing awards too!!


Lovely notes to be