Monday, May 23, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award!

I am so honored! Today I received the Versatile Blogger award from Jenna at a la mode. Thank you Jenna for my first award! You truly made my day!
Award Rules: 
1. Thank the person who gave you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason!
4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked and let them know about the award.

{7} Things about me:

{one} I just recently revamped my world. I put a lot of effort and devotion into a job that wasn't right for me. After 4 years, I realized it wasn't for me, moved back to my hometown, and started going back to school. Here I am now, 6 months later, trying to work out the details.

{two} I am in love with typography. I love all things type & love the art in which letters & words fit together to create beautiful designs. Swoon!

{three} I am on my first cleanse. I am very into health & fitness, but I also have a sweet tooth that can certainly get the best of me.

{four} Which leads me to #4... I love to bake!

{five} Pinterest makes me so happy, everyday. It's such a great source of inspiration for all things foodie, fashion & design.

{six} I'm a sucker for romance. Hence the dreamy proposal I posted last week. I love weddings and all the gooey details put into them.

{seven} I love spending time with family: my parents, four brothers & of course, the bird. xo

My fav {15}:
Here is a list of blogs I absolutely love to follow. I know you will love them too!

{1} Edible Perspective
{2} Fit Foodie Finds
{3} Paiges of Style
{4} Heather Eats Almond Butter
{5} Oh She glows
{6} How Sweet it is
{7} Peanut Butter and Jenny
{8} Magnolia Rouge
{9} Kath Eats Real Food
{10} Love Veggies and Yoga
{11} Choosing Raw
{12} Stylish, Stealthy & Healthy
{13} Carrots N Cake
{14} The Late Afternoon
{15} Fresh Out of Lemons


  1. Thanks doll! You are so sweet :)
    Good luck with your cleanse, they are definitely hard work but (I find) always worth it.

  2. Jessica - Thank you so much! That is a fabulous list of bloggers and I am honored to be on it. Much appreciated!!! :)

  3. Congrats on the award! It's well deserved!

  4. Thank you. I'm honored and TOTALLY OBSESSED with Pinterest. Oh my gosh, I cannot stop pinning. So many good ideas. I literally want to move into a fixer-upper just so I can utilize all the projects I've pinned. I could spend hours on that site...OK, I have. :)

    Thanks again for the award. Hope you're having a good night!

  5. Thanks so much! I am honored! :)

  6. Woot! Thank you so much for the lovely shout out :)

  7. Thanks for thinking of me. I'm honored to be in the company of some other awesome ladies :)

  8. Congratulations! :o) And thanks for the browsing inspiration!

  9. Glad I could make your day! You deserve it!

    Thank you for all of your sweet blog comments!

  10. I love to bake as well and because I have much more of a sweet tooth than J, I end up eating the bulk of things I bake :)

    What type of cleanse are you doing?

  11. Thank you so much for the award! :) I am honoured to be on your website.

  12. I'll echo all the other fabulous bloggers, I'm honored!! Getting to be creative is such a reward, but getting recognized is the cherry on the sundae (or smoothie!)

  13. Such a cute post! I love the about you section - so neat! On a side note, I am starting your cleanse this week. I didn't think I could do it but you've posted enough yummy cleanse recipes that I think I can handle it!!

    Star Hughes Living

  14. @Star Hughes I'm very excited for you! I just posted some more great ones today. Keep me posted on your progress. I look forward to hearing someone else go through the process.

  15. Thanks so much for the award! I am so honored =)!


Lovely notes to be