Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More favs to add to the list

First off, thank you for all the sweet comments & emails yesterday! I was very honored to receive that award & pass it on to some of my favs. That made my week!

I have a couple recipes to share with you from this weekend.

We made a modified version of Clean Teen Kelsey's Carrot Cake Batter Shake. Because a couple of the ingredients were just out of our reach in terms of the cleanse, we had to make a couple substitutions.

Carrot Cake Shake
1/2c Almond Milk (unsweetened vanilla)
1/4c Coconut Milk
1/2c steamed Carrots
2-3T Buckwheat flour
2-3T Coconut butter
1T unsweetened Coconut
1/2T Chia seeds
1/2t Cinnamon
pinch ginger, salt, vanilla extract
small handful of ice cubes
Topped with shaved coconut butter & cinnamon. Very tasty!

For dinner, we tried another delicious sounding soup. Again, we had to make some cleanse modifications, but it was still so good!

Butternut Squash & Kale Soup
(Recipe adapted from Kath Eats Real Food)
1 medium butternut squash
2 carrots (or a small handful of baby carrots)
2 celery stalks
1 apple
1 big handful of kale
1 box Pacific brand Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup
1t olive oil
dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, red chili flakes

First we nuked the squash in the microwave for a couple minutes. Then we removed the skins. Next we sauteed the squash, carrots & celery together. After they were fairly soft, we added the base, the Cashew Carrot Ginger soup. We added all the seasonings & simmered that for several minutes. Once in the blender (we had to divide it into 2 batches to fit in our blender), we added the apple & kale. After mixing it all together, we placed it back on the heat and simmered for a few more minutes.
New Bowls! + Topped with Chopped Almonds 

For us being on the cleanse, this made well over 2 batches. For leftovers, we had it again the next day. We just added 1/2 large butternut squash & 1/3c of pumpkin puree to the mix to make 2 more complete meals.

Lastly, I have to include the smoothie I conjured up on the fly last night. Can I just say, we are so over blending & smoothing?! It has been hard coming up with recipes that fit within the guidelines that we can actually enjoy. A frozen or raw banana would go so great in so many of them. Sigh.

But last night I just used a few ingredients we had off hand & it was surprisingly delicious! Actually one of my favorites so far. This and the Berry Almondy are at the top.

Cashew Kale Smoothie
4 kiwis
1/2c Almond Milk
1T unsweetened Coconut
1 heaping T Cashew butter
1/4c Cashews
1/2 scoop Amazing Meal-vanilla chai
1T Flaxseed meal
2-3 ice cubes
This recipe made 2 small smoothies, but can easily be used for 1 full sized smoothie. The flavor was fantastic & the consistency was so creamy. Yummy!


  1. Carrot cake shake? Sounds too good to be true! When I start my cleanse that will be the first one on my list!

    Star Hughes Living

  2. I'm the only person in my family who likes carrot cake, so it's never around. These shakes look like a tasty alternative!

  3. I am seriously excited about the carrot cake smoothie!! Everything else sounds delish too :) Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Those all sound sooo delicious, especially the carrot cake shake--I am a sucker for anything carrot cake related :)

  5. will try this! thanks!

  6. A carrot cake shake sounds so perfect. Especially since I rarely make carrot cake since it isn't my husband's favorite. I'll have to give this a try.

  7. your food looks great and I love your new bowls! Very cute!

  8. Carrot cake shake? Sounds fantastic! I bought carrots yesterday, I'll have to try the shake soon!

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Lovely notes to be