Monday, March 14, 2016

Home sweet home in Austin

It's been an exciting few months over here!
After moving to Austin in September, not only did we decide to stay long term, we sold our home in the Bay Area, packed up our world again and are calling Austin home.
This weekend we moved into our new house and after 3 other temporary places in the past six months, we are so happy to finally get settled.

We're under a bit of construction, but I can't wait to share more pictures soon!
On the current to do list:
• Go shopping for dining room chairs, nightstands and a coffee table. Any suggestions?
• Choosing some new house numbers and new porch mounted mailbox
• Unpacking and deciding where everything goes in this new kitchen (seen behind us in the IG)

Linked with B Loved Boston


  1. Your new home is absolutely adorable! SO happy for you that you guys found a place to settle into! Can't wait to see it when you're all moved in!! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  2. Congrats!!! Your new kitchen is GORGEOUS!!! I can't wait to see more pictures!

  3. Cheers to the new home, lady! We are doing that soon [eeeek] and I'm super excited for you.

  4. Your kitchen sink is probably my favorite thing ever!! Glad you guys are adjusting to homeowners life well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Your new kitchen is gorgeous!! Glad to hear that you are adjusting well to life in Austin!

  6. You kitchen is fabulous! That farmhouse sink is just gorgeous!

  7. Yay for finally being settled into your new home in your new city! Your kitchen is gorgeous!! As for dining room chairs, I'd check Overstock or Wayfair, they have the best prices and free shipping ;-)
    Green Fashionista

  8. Oh my gosh, I love your sink!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  9. So excited for you!! Can't wait to see more pictures :)

  10. Congrats, friend!! It must feel so good to finally get settled! Love the sneak peek of the kitchen, can't wait to see more!

  11. Excited for you

  12. Hey girl! Welcome back and congrats on your beautiful new home. Love your kitchen and can't wait to see more. Also, that is an adorable snap of you and hubs.

  13. Such a cute home! Congratulations and enjoy home ownership! :)

  14. Congrats on the new house! I can't imagine all of the chaos and stress of moving multiple times over a short amount of time. Hopefully you'll be able to start knocking stuff off your list soon!

  15. How exciting! I've heard such great things about Austin and I swear they seem to have the best food/restaurant scene in the country. I look forward to your house - and foodie - pics ;)

  16. Oh my gosh, how exciting for you two!! I cannot wait to see more home pictures - that farm sink is fantastic!

  17. Yay that is so exciting! Enjoy your new home!!

  18. Loving the sneak peaks of your new home, it looks gorgeous!

  19. Congrats on the move!! The sneak peek of your house looks great!

  20. So excited for you! Wish I could get my hubby to head to Austin!! I am so over these home prices in the bay!!

  21. aww what a cute place!! congrats!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  22. What an adorable home!!!! Congrats :)

  23. Gorgeous house! That kitchen is swoon-worthy! I can't wait to see the rest of the updates! xo, Champagne&Suburbs


Lovely notes to be