Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentine's Day weekend

I hope you had a nice, long Valentine's Day weekend!

The bird and I were pretty mellow, but went on a beautiful hike along the Barton Springs greenbelt.
I picked out all the pink attire pieces I could find and the bird got in the spirit too!
Lululemon zip up (similar here & here) // Anthropologie vest (floral version here or similar & on sale here)

I also managed to whip up some Valentine's dessert, like I mentioned on Friday.
These dipped Oreos were delicious and the perfect treat after our hike.


  1. The hill country really is so beautiful, and it looks like y'all had a blast on your hike! Those dipped Oreos looks delicious and like the perfect treat after your hike!

  2. Barton springs is so beautiful! I have family that love right on it- glad you got out and about doing healthy things and eating Oreos on the day if love!

  3. So so beautiful, the scenery and you guys!! And how creative are you, super cute Oreo treats!!

  4. What a beautiful place. Those dipped oreos look yummie.

  5. Those oreos look delish! How much fun that you guys went on a beautiful hike, and loving that lululemon vest <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. Looks like a great weekend! I love any day near the water!

  7. Awww... Looks like such a special weekend! And those dipped oreos look amazing! <3

  8. After hike reward of Oreos?! I am so doing my hikes wrong :)

  9. That hike sounds so fun! I love your zip! :)

  10. love the pictures, the hike looks so fun! the oreos obviously look the best part though, yum!

  11. Dipped Oreo's?! Yes, please! So glad you guys had a great Valentines!

  12. So fun and omg those oreos sound amazing!!!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  13. ahhh take me wth you! i'm so excited for the weather to be a little better (too rainy) so i can get some hikes in!!

  14. A Valentine's hike sounds seriously amazing!! We have so much snow here that I'm dying to get outside

  15. Looks like such a beautiful place! I love a good hike!

  16. Such an adorable look - I absolutely LOVE that vest. And those Oreos? Oh my goodness yum!

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  17. Your Valentine's Day looked perfect! So great that you two enjoyed a beautiful hike and returned to such a lovely dessert! I absolutely love the way you plated it!! It looks as pretty as I'm sure it was yummy!
    xo - Brenda //

  18. What a nice day - and beautiful scenery!
    Love the oreos too, so festive! ;)
    xx Em


Lovely notes to be