Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Freshly Picked Blackberry Scones

The bird and I just found the mother-load of blackberry bushes on the outskirts of a nearby golf course. Blackberries can be pretty spendy in the store. Plus these were fresh and local, so we definitely scored.

Once we got home, I immediately looked for some recipes to try out. I was looking for something fairly easy and healthy.
I came across this recipe for Lemon Blueberry Scones and made the fruit substitute.
They are so good! We've been having one for dessert every night!
The only changes I made were adding sea salt and brushing with butter right before baking. This made for a salty and crispy exterior.
I was worried the blackberries would make it too liquidy... so I added less than what the recipe called for blueberries, and it was perfect!


  1. Looks delicious! And you did definitely score!

  2. Your scones came out so well! They look so delish! Love your marble counter top!
    Ally- Life as I know it

  3. Oh these look so good. I love blueberry scones.

  4. oh my, these look amazing! Blackberries can definitely be expensive so what a good find!

  5. YUM! These look delicious.

  6. You had me at blackberries! These look fantastic, lady.

  7. I saw this on your insta this morning and instantly wanted it for breakfast - yum! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  8. I've never made scones before - how fun!! I love that you added in sea salt - yum!

  9. Holy deliciousness! I've never made scones before, but these look like they need to be made :)

  10. Scones are easier to make than I thought they are! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Holy yummy! This looks amazing! I love a good scone!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  12. love!!! you already know i've been in a lemon mood lately, hehe. these sound divine!!

  13. YUM!!!! I love homemade scones, they are my jam! (get it?) :)


Lovely notes to be