Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I miss this fabulous place

I have missed you. This blog. My followers. And blogger friends. It's been wayyy too long!

Getting back into the swing of things after moving back from Dublin, Ireland has been a serious transition. Moving back into our home, finding a job or two and getting back into a schedule and everyday routine. But it is all starting to fall into place.
I hate that I have neglected this fabulous space I love so much. I miss creating posts and reading yours.

And today is my blog anniversary of 4 years and I couldn't not touch base. It's also officially spring and my birthday month!
So, cheers!

I don't know where this little blog will go, but I'm not ready to call it quits. I love it too much.

Until I get it all figured out, I am currently a stylist at Stitch Fix. If you are a client, I would love to be your stylist if you want to request me (Jessica Pigeon)! :)


  1. Happy blogiversary! I have sure missed your posts and beautiful pictures!

  2. Welcome back girl - missed you and can't wait for more posts!! Happy blogiversary!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  3. WELCOME BACK!!! and happy blogerversary! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. I was wondering where you've been!! I know we've all missed you! I get it, life gets busy and the blog takes a backseat. Plus it's hard to come up with material half the time! Happy you're back!!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  5. Happy Blogiversary! And I feel ya, I'm still trying to get back into the blogging swing of things, but hey life just gets too busy sometimes!

  6. Happy Blogiversary. Glad to see you are back!

  7. I've missed you!! Happy Blogiversary! Cheers to birthday month (mine too!)

  8. Ahh, missed you lady. Happy almost birthday!

  9. So glad you are back!! :) and Happy Blogiversary and almost bday!! xx

  10. Yay! Were glad youre back and happy blogiversary!! I know what you mean about trying to find a schedule! Hopefully you get that figured out soon :)

  11. Yay! Were glad youre back and happy blogiversary!! I know what you mean about trying to find a schedule! Hopefully you get that figured out soon :)

  12. Happy Bloggiversary!! Cheers to 4 more years!

  13. Yeah!!!!!!! Welcome back!!! Cheers to 4 years!!!

  14. welcome back and congrats on the move and the blogaversary! :)

  15. Welcome back. Happy 4 years!! Hope you are doing well now that you are back in the States.

  16. happy blogiversary, and birthday month!
    i just got my first stitch fix last month, not sure if i will keep going but if i do, i will request you ;)

  17. i love that quote and believe it wholeheartedly! thank you for the reminder!

  18. Hello Mem

    Great Articals love your Writing Thanks For sharingGrab Tricks

  19. Miss you lots! Can't wait till your back, but I'm glad to hear things are going well for you.
    XO, Gina

  20. Yay! Welcome back, lady!!! Where are you living now [if you don't mind me asking]. So I've NEVER tried Stich Fix, interested to hear your take on it!


Lovely notes to be