Monday, October 13, 2014

The weekend

So sad to see this weekend go. Do any of you have Columbus Day off? #lucky.

We were very productive unpacking boxes and finishing up painting this weekend. So nice to get things done and stop living out of suitcases!

Here is a beautiful sunset from the back of our home:
And a new yummy drink I discovered, mixed with a sneak peak of my desk set up.

Unpacking means finally being able to use our kitchen and cook at home again!
Our first meal was Mexican food, ground turkey burrito bowls. My favorite!

And here is a round up of sales ending today for the holiday weekend:

C. Wonder: Extra 50% off sale items.
• Macy's: Shoe + Boot sale. 30% off 3 or more pairs. Code GREAT
J. Crew: 30% off full-priced items, 40% off final sales. Code WEEKENDPLANS
• Piperlime: 20% off fall must-haves. Code FALL20
Gap: 40% off purchase. Code NEWOUTFIT

Linked with B Loved Boston and Join the Gossip


  1. We did lots of painting this weekend, too! It never seems to end! Happy Monday :)

  2. Oh yay a fun weekend! I think we all ate mexican food at some point this weekend haha! We're all such #bloggers hah! <3

  3. cute office! i love that rug :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Can't wait to see your house reveal - i'm sure it's so gorgeous!!

  5. Love the rug in your office! Glad to hear unpacking went well, that is definitely the worst part!

  6. Ohh I didn't even think about the Columbus Day sales, thanks for the reminder! And those turkey burrito bowls look amazing!! Happy Monday!

    <3, Pamela

  7. I love your marble counter top! Aren't La Croix's the best?!

  8. Love La Croix! It's so yum!!

    <3 Shannon

  9. oh I didn't need to know about those sales ;)

  10. Yum - you should share the dinner recipe as it sounds right up our alley. Gorgeous counter tops and I need to know about this new La Croix!

  11. Ohhhh I want to hear about those chips they look so good! I have been trying so hard to be good but the sales were pretty enticing this weekend!

  12. You must be so excited to be settled back in properly! I must email you soon to catch up :)

  13. Yay for getting all settled! Sounds like a great weekend!

  14. That sunset is gorgeous. Glad y'all had a great weekend:)

  15. YUM! The burrito bowls sound delish! I'm so glad you are getting settled in your home! I can imagine how good that feels after so many months!!

  16. Love love La Croix. So yummie! I so love Mexican food. Glad to hear that you had a nice weekend.

  17. That sunset it so pretty! I hope the unpacking is coming along. That's the worst part of moving...well until you have to pack it all up again lol.

    Thanks for lining up for MMG :)

  18. I hate unpacking more than packing. That La Croix is my favorite! And I always love your pictures! xo

  19. Ummm Ground Turkey Burrito bowls sounds amazing! Love that pretty La Croix can too - I will have to try it! :)

    Nikki at Bedazzles After Dark

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Lovely notes to be