Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekend snippets

Hope you enjoyed your weekend!
Dinner at Bravas

We've been busy over here trying to get settled in. We moved into our 2nd temporary place before we can officially move into our house. I will be sooo over moving by the time we get into our house!

On a happier note... 1) I am loving my job, 2) We got new bikes, and 3) It is our anniversary month! Yay for 2 years.
The bird also surprised me with some pretty flowers to end the week. He's such a keeper!
Have a great week!

Linked with B Loved Boston and Join the Gossip


  1. Love those bikes pics! Glad you had a nice weekend and that the job is going well!! Xx

  2. Absolutely love how you arranged those flowers - so pretty!! I'm so jealous of all the bike riding you're doing, mostly since I don't know how to ride one!! Yay for anniversary month!!

  3. Oh man, moving is terrible and to have to do it so many times in such a short amount of time?! Y'all are troopers! Looks like beautiful weather for bike riding!

  4. bike rides are the best! im glad you are focusing on the positives ;0 xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. What a fun weekend! I wish I had a bike... I always want to go on bike rides on nice days. Glad you're loving your new job!!

    <3, Pamela

  6. Glad you are enjoying your job, that bike ride looks awesome. LOVE the flowers!

  7. how cute are you and your bike?! you make me want one :).

    nice job on that floral arrangement -- you did a beautiful job!

  8. oh my gosh, your bike is so cute! i want it. what a pretty colour! yay for enjoying your new job, boo for moving!

  9. Glad you like your job! I hope y'all get settled soon!

  10. Moving is so hard. So happy that you like your new job! Those flowers are Gorgeous!!

  11. I cannot believe you have moved twice. Moving is seriously the worst, hope you get settled in soon. Love those flowers.

  12. so happy the job is going well! and your bike is absolutely ADORABLE. i'm shopping around for a new one as well :)

  13. Moving is never fun, esp when you have to do it so often! In other news, good jobs, and bike rides DO sort of help...right? :)

  14. Beautiful flowers!! And yay for new bikes! We've been doing nightly after dinner bike rides lately and they've been such a great way to unwind.

  15. Those bikes are too cute! Looks like the weather really cooperated!

  16. Biking + wine is a perfect day! That little patio area at Bravas is adorable. I'd want to eat there all the time!

  17. Those bikes are precious!!! We do that, too!!! XO

  18. Love the bike!! And those flowers are gorgeous, sweet hubby!! Hope you are having a great Monday!

  19. love your bike! i miss bike rides so much. they have really pretty trails out here - we went on one that connects bethesda, maryland to georgetown and it was so pretty. really long, but pretty! :) happy anniversary month!

  20. your bike is so cute!! it makes me want to go bike riding, haven't been on that thing since i was about 20 weeks pregnant so like a year ago. i would be so over moving too with all these temporary places cant wait to see how you decorate your home!

  21. Happy Anniversary month! So exciting!! Girl, moving is the worst! But it will be so worth it once your are in your home and all settled!!

  22. You look great! Love the bikes and that restaurant looks so cute! xo

  23. Yay for loving your new job and the bikes! Sounds like a great weekend!

  24. Looks like you had a fantastic weekend!! That dinner spot looks so pretty, and so do the flowers! And how cute are you on the bike?!

    Thanks for linking up for MMG :)

  25. Yay for your anniversary month!! And new bikes! And a job you love! So many exciting things, girlfriend :) :)

  26. Congratulations on two years! And I am loving your new bike- the color is perfect!

  27. I'm so glad to hear you love your new job. That really is so important since so much time is spent at work. Congrats on your anniversary and yay for the new bikes.
    It is always great to see your updates.
    XO, Gina


Lovely notes to be