Monday, August 25, 2014

Weekend, News and Updates

Hope you had a great weekend! The highlights of mine were pretty flowers, ice cream cones and baseball games.
On Saturday, we went to the As game in (late) celebration of the bird's birthday.
I am a true Giants fan, but baseball games are fun no matter what.

Getting back into swing of things is tougher than I thought. I'm trying to get back into a blogging schedule/eating at home/workout rhythm over here... and it's definitely taken a few weeks+ to do so.
But... I did sign up for The Dailey Method this week! So excited to try out Barre for the first time. I will definitely be reviewing this post for some beginners tips. Thanks Amanda! But either way, I'm sure this picture will depict my first class. ;)

On another exciting note, I got a job!! I am very excited to be back to work and doing something that makes me happy.

Linked with B Loved Boston and Join the Gossip


  1. Ice cream, baseball and win win!

    Good luck at barre, sounds like fun and love that picture! So graceful!

    CONGRATS ON THE JOB!!!!! so very, very exciting!!! Wishing you a fabulous first day!

  2. That's awesome about the job!! Baseball games are always such a blast! Looks like a fun weekend!

  3. Congratulations on the new job!! So exciting! It really is hard to get back into a schedule, take small steps and you'll get into it again! Enjoy barre, its such a great workout!

  4. congrats on your new job!! that's such great news :) xo jillian - stop by, im hosting a great giveaway at cornflake dreams

  5. That ice cream looks SO good! Jealous! And good luck at barre! I love it but I haven't done it in awhile!

    <3, Pamela

  6. Congrats on the job!! Such wonderful news. So jealous you were at a baseball game. So much fun!! That ice cream looks so good.

  7. What a fun weekend!! I'm resigning up for Barre Method this week to and so excited to get back into barre!! Congratulations on the new job - so exciting!!

  8. Congrats on the job! How exciting!! Glad you are enjoying being home!

  9. My husband and I seem to miss baseball games every year. We still have some time left I guess.. hopefully we'll go catch one!

  10. Congrats on the job, that's exciting!

  11. Congratulations on the new job!! Looks like a wonderful weekend :)

  12. congrats on your job! thats fabulous. but i really just want the ice cream.. yum! i want to do barre, one day i will sign up.

  13. I love those flowers - so pretty! I know what you mean about getting into a routine! Ugh!

  14. Yay to a new job that you will actually enjoy! That is a hard thing to come across these days

  15. And now I was really want ice cream! Congrats on the job!

  16. Congrats on the new job! The flowers are so pretty. Great way to celebrate his birthday!

  17. Congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear about it :)
    Baseball games are the best, I love going to them!
    That picture is bitter sweet to me - I love ballet and did pointe for years and I miss it at times...but then I remember losing toenails and I think I'll stick to other styles of dance from now on ;) haha!

  18. I think you'll love barre! I just tried it for the first time last weekend and really liked it.

  19. All sounds so exciting! Congrats on your job, yay!

  20. congrats on your new job! and the Barre classes. That is going to be a fabulous way to get back in the fitness groove. I want to try it myself, I just can't seem to find a studio close enough.

    I enjoyed the updates;)
    XO, Gina


Lovely notes to be