Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Back to School

Back to school shopping used to be one of my favorite things. I still love shopping... and will take the excuse even though I'm not in school anymore.
textbook glasses // bicycle matchbook // ceramic tray // acrylic tape dispenser + stapler
ceramic clock // zip artiste pouch // gilded gold tray

I am job searching... so it almost applies, right? So excited to get back to work after our lovely stay in Dublin. Do you have any tips or tricks to share with this girl for job searching??


  1. I am obsessed with gold right now, and love those glasses, and tray! Fun!

  2. What always worked for me is connections. I'm pretty sure every job I've ever had I got because I knew someone who knew someone. With my current job I found out the hiring managers email address and emailed her why she should hire me. I got an interview a day later and was hired. So find some connections!

    Life as I know it

  3. good luck with the job search!! i like to use LinkedIn + believe it or not...Craigslist for job searches. depending on what you are looking for also see if there are groups/associations as they will list jobs on their sites. for example i found my last marketing job on a Legal Marketing Association website. And I found my first marketing job at an architecture firm on Craigslist. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Love all of this! I'm obsessing over gold accessories! That stapler and ceramic tray... yes please!

    <3, Pamela

  5. it's one of my favorite things too - always have to get a new planner and pens!! it's just a must!! Good luck with the job search!! I'm sure you'll find something soon!

  6. oooh that tray is so pretty! i havent been in 'school' for years but i still love walking through all the sales and picking up new notebooks and pens.
    good luck with the job searching - i dont have many tips and tricks except just apply a bunch and stay positive :) i'm sure you'll find something!

  7. I love the gold tray. Perfect for a desk!

  8. I still love sprucing up my desk/office at this time of year! Fall just equals shopping in my mind :)

  9. job searching is like a new school year, i mean you need super cool desk supplies for sure! love your picks, you always have great style and taste

  10. Good luck on the job search. I think a fresh resume, a good attitude and persistence always wins!

  11. School supplies are my everything. Especially the new box of Crayons and markers! Does your old college have an alumni website? I found so many past (and my present) positions using the alumni-only job posting site. Good luck with the search :)

  12. Those glasses - I need!!! LOVE back to school shopping! :)

  13. CUTEST! that was one perk of teaching -- new school supplies as an adult!

    xo welltraveledwife.com

  14. Aw man I DEF miss back to school shopping! haha Great picks! Job searching? Connections or Indeed.com always helps! Good luck! xoxo

  15. I love that tray! I need that for my office - al your picks are pretty awesome :)


  16. Love that little tray from J.Crew. I wish I had some advice about finding a job. It's not easy so don't give up. Keep trying!! It may take some time but you will find something. Best of luck.

  17. Those glasses! I love.

  18. that gold tray and white and gold dish....please!! I need them right now!

  19. I looooved back to school shopping too. We have to still do it just in honor of...:)
    Love the gold deck pieces!
    Hope you are enjoying being back home, can't wait to see more pics.


Lovely notes to be