Monday, July 21, 2014

Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies have been my go-to since it started warming up a bit. They are filling and I love how refreshing they are in the summer (which is a relative term in Dublin).

Here are two of my favorites:
 This one is perfect for breakfast. It's filling and nutritious with the added spinach and flax seed.

I like this one for a afternoon or after dinner snack since it's a bit sweeter. I love almond butter, but you can definitely substitute peanut butter.

Tell me your favorites so I can start mixing it up over here!


  1. Yummm! These look fabulous. I think I will give them a try.

    I've missed you lately, my friend!
    XO, Gina

  2. Both of these look delish! Esp the vanilla almond butter! XO Happy Monday!!

  3. Need to make these for breakfast during the weekend!! YUM!

  4. Oh I so need to try the Vanilla Almond Butter Smoothie. Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Mmm these both sound so good! Such an easy and quick breakfast!

  6. I can't get enough protein shakes and smoothies, I just love them! These both sound so good :)

  7. We are on a huge smoothie kick! You can add tons of kale and never even notice it along with a few bananas, Greek yogurt and some OJ or almond milk. Cheers!

  8. The vanilla almond butter smoothie sounds delish!

  9. yum these smoothies look delish!!! you are constantly traveling, lucky you!! hope you are having some amazing adventures

  10. Hmmm, I'm going to have to give that first one a try. It sounds like it will be perfect for when school starts.

  11. I've been in a smoothie rut, so I love this post! Can't wait to give both of these a shot :)

  12. Ohh that Vanilla Almond Butter one sounds SO good!


Lovely notes to be