Monday, June 9, 2014

Trip Home recap

I certainly did not intend on a week long+ blog hiatus. Although, I have to say our trip home was nothing but perfect.
We saw one of my brothers graduate from high school...
... and completed the 10k race on our first weekend home.
We both completed it under an hour, which was the goal from the start. My overall time was about 54 minutes.

This past Wednesday, the bird and I spent the day & night in San Francisco.
It was a gorgeous day in the city and ended with a fun date night at Mamacitas, an SF favorite of ours.

For our last leg, we headed down to Los Angeles.
It was great to spend the last couple days with more friends and family, enjoying the gorgeous weather by the beach!

Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Linked with B Loved Boston and  Join the Gossip


  1. Absolutely loving the jacket from the graduation pics! SO cute! Looks and sounds like you had an amazing extended weekend! Totally jealous!

    <3, Pamela

  2. So glad to hear you had a great trip home, how sweet you were able to make it to your brother's graduation! SF looks so beautiful!

  3. Sounds like a perfect trip home!! Congrats on the great race!!

  4. Sounds like it was a fun weekend!! Great pictures as always.

    Best, Mree

  5. What a fun little trip, and congrats on your run! That is awesome girl ;)

  6. that is an amazing race time! congrats!!

  7. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful trip home. I don't blame you for not blogging on the road that is tough. I think in those times its best to really just enjoy the moments you are having while you are in them. Fun to see photos of other bay area bloggers, love our San Francisco streets ;)

  8. Welcome back (well, to your blog, and goodbye from America ha). What a fun trip!

  9. The two of you are so cute together!!! I love that sneakers pic! I wish I could get Mark to run with me ;-)

  10. yah!! so glad you are having a great time at home visiting friends and family. enjoy it! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. You guys are too cute! Congrats on the race time! Looks like a great trip home!

  12. Santa Monica!!!! That's my hometown!!!! Love it there! Stopping by from the link up! Happy Monday!


  13. congrats on completing the 10K!! looks like you had a great trip home and congrats on your brother's graduation

  14. Love Mamacitas!! Glad you had a nice trip home!

  15. I was wondering where you were all week! Glad to see you had a great trip home! Life as I know it

  16. Yay for a wonderful trip home! And completing a 10K on your trip home- insane!

  17. Happy Graduation to your brother! And a 10k?! Yikes -- and way to go! xo

  18. Way to rock that 10K! Love your outfit from graduation! Thanks for linking up! xo


Lovely notes to be