Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekend Recap

Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Our sunshine was very short lasted and we have rain in our forecast all week... so here's a sunny pic from a couple weeks ago in Dublin at St. Stephen's Green.
This weekend we headed over to the west coast of Ireland for a weekend trip to Galway.

I did a terrible job of taking pictures while we were there, but here are a couple from our quick trip:
This was only our second time making it to Galway... but we love this little town. So lively and full of traditional Irish music and scenery.

In other news, in...
• 10 days we head home for a visit... can't wait!
• 13 days we attempt a 10k race in Sonoma.
• 28 days, I am taking my first solo trip to a new country.
(More details on this later...)

Linked with Join the Gossip


  1. Girl, your pictures are great. That tree is beautiful!

  2. your pictures = gorgeous. so jealous. that tree is so pretty! boo to rain.
    solo trip? cant wait to hear more ;) and yay good luck on the 10k that you'll absolutely rock girl!

  3. Your pictures are always amazing!! That is so exciting that you are going on a solo trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Best, Mree

  4. lovely pics!! How fun to be traveling so much every week! I know you are enjoying every minute!

  5. Those pictures are gorgeous! I'm totally jealous!

    <3, Pamela

  6. These pictures are to die for!!! Love!!! XO

  7. Gorgeous pictures! And way to go on a 10k! I'm still trying to muster up the courage/stamina to do a 5k. Happy Monday! xo

  8. Sometimes you just dont have time to take photos and you're just taking it all in!! You're going to rock that 10K!! Woo hoo for a visit home!!

  9. love the blazer you are wearing and love what is coming up for you, a 10K woohoo and traveling solo to a new country, cant wait to read the details of where!

  10. That first picture is absolutely stunning!!! I love seeing all your gorgeous pictures keep them coming! xoxo

  11. Oh yay for a hometown visit! Pack those flip flops the heat is making her return on Wednesday!

  12. Oh yay for a hometown visit! Pack those flip flops the heat is making her return on Wednesday!

  13. Glad you guys had a fun time in Galway!

  14. that tree is SO beautiful! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. i didn't know you were doing a 10k- how awesome to run through sonoma? that's going to be gorgeous. and a solo trip to a new country? i've been thinking about doing the same - you just might be the inspiration i need to make it happen!

  16. You always have the most beautiful pictures! Woohoo for a trip home super soon!!

  17. It looks so gorgeous there, love those old bridges!

  18. I bet you are so excited to come home! And a 10k in Sonoma, I bet your run is going to be so beautiful! Can't wait to hear about your new travels! So lucky!

  19. looks like a wonderful lil trip!

  20. Oh my gosh- how fun!! I've always wanted to visit!! B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!

  21. 10k race! amazing! good luck!

  22. you always take amazing pics, silly! Love the one of you and hubby (great blazer), and best of luck in the 10k. That is awesome.
    XO, Gina

  23. Ooh, can't wait to hear about your solo trip!

  24. Gorgeous pics! Enjoy your trip home :)

    Thanks for linking up with MMG!


Lovely notes to be