Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Trip to Paris (Part II): Champagne + Versailles

Since we stayed for a week, my mom and I wandered outside Paris for a couple train adventures. The first was to the Champagne region, Reims and the second was to Versailles.

Champagne was absolutely gorgeous. I am from the wine country in California and my mom is in the wine business, so this day trip was very exciting for both of us.
If there is ever a next time, we both agreed we would travel to Epernay as well and make it an over-nighter.

The trip to Versailles was not as successful as we had hoped. But nonetheless, I wanted to blog about it and hopefully pass our experience onto others planning a trip.
We purchased tickets online and were encouraged to arrive early as the Palace of Versailles tends to get very busy. However, when we arrived, just after the doors opened, there was already a 2 hour line to get in! The picture above is the sea of people waiting to enter.

So we opted to forgo the tour and walk around the grounds instead.
The grounds were gorgeous, which made the trip worth it. But I know the interior is supposed to be amazing. Did anyone else have better luck at the Palace of Versailles?

Here is the Mother/Daughter Trip to Paris recap if you missed it!


  1. These pictures are absolutely amazing! I am so jealous! Your Tieks are adorable by the way! I can't believe there was already a 2 hour line to get in, that's insane!

    <3, Pamela

  2. I LOVE CHAMPAGNE!!! I wanna go there!

    That line looks insane, oh my word!

  3. Could you & your mama be any more precious?!! Love that you get to do this!

  4. Oh my a two hour wait to get it - what day of the week did you go on, we're planning on doing a day trip out there and would hate to get stuck in a line!! Good to know you pre-ordered your tix. The Veuve Clicquot tour looked amazing - and all those pretty bottles on display :)

  5. Oh my gosh vueve clicquot is my fav when I want to splurge out! Lovely photos! (You are so beautiful by the way!) xoxo

  6. Those grounds look soooo pretty. And I love that pink scarf! Seriously look forward to your posts, girlie. Living vicariously through you is rather fun :)

  7. Your pictures are so amazing!! Sorry to hear about Versailles. I wouldn't have waited either. Would love to visit Champagne, how fun!

    Best, Mree

  8. oh my gosh! a 2 hour wait! but the grounds are so lovely!

  9. stop it with the amazing-ness.
    i am considering Versailles when we go - what day did you go? i was hoping if we didnt go on a day with the fountains we would be fine, but maybe thats not the case. but honestly, i dont want it to be a long day so i would be happy with the grounds and Marie's hamlet or whatever its called (showing my stupidity here haha).

  10. Can't believe the wait was so long! Gorgeous pics :)

  11. Sorry to bombard you with questions but do you recommend Tieks for exploring Europe?! I'm going in September and need some comfy shoes!!

    Also, did you just day trip to Champagne from Paris or stay? Any recommendations on getting there, where to go, etc because I want to do that while we're in Paris too!!

    Thanks for all the advice! Your trip looked lovely!

  12. that is a lot of people!! it's so beautiful there though, of course! Totally worth it. And to visit veuve Clicquot!! how fun!

  13. I love me some Veuve, how fun that you got to visit. Versailles looks amazing, I didn't get outside of Paris when I went but I'd love to go the next time. PS you look so chic in your travel wear!

  14. Holy cow! That queue is huge! At least you got to see the outside though :) Gorgeous photos!! I'd love to visit France someday :))

  15. Ahh Vueve!! So delicious! Bummer about the Palace of Versaille. Sort of had the same experience in Rome with the Sistine Chapel - never got to go inside! For shame!

  16. GORGEOUS photos! Hopefully one day I'll make it to Europe, until then I'll just be envious of your travels!
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  17. Gorgeous!! I'd love to go one day! You look adorable!

  18. Gorgeous pictures! I'm a huge champs lover so that would be my kind of trip :) And I can't believe the line at the palace! Crazy!! Too bad you guys didn't get in but I guess it gives you a reason to go back, right?!

  19. I love all the architecture there with the large arched wooden doors. The dormers! So pretty. Love your scarf and those grounds are swoon worthy!!

  20. Ummmm you are so pretty girl love your modeling pics ;-) My heart kinda just skipped a beat when I saw all of the Veuve! That is my absolute favorite but such a splurge!

  21. how perfect that your mom is in the wine business? probably made the whole trip that much more exciting to have someone giving you all the behind the scenes info about the wines :) your pictures of versailles from behind the gates are gorgeous- hopefully next time you get inside:)

  22. omg these photos are gorgeous. i've been to versailles but not!!! i need to go next time i'm in france!!

  23. we went to versailles during our honeymoon and waited 1.5hrs to get in!! it was scorching hot that day too AND someone tried to cut in line in front of me when we reached the entrances. UM no. im pretty sure i would have noticed if you were in front of me the whole time!! that all being said i AM happy we waited in line and got to see the interior...and the hall of mirrors (which was under renovation when i first visited a few years ago). the grounds and gardens are absolutely gorgeous! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  24. I absolutely love your outfit in these pics. perfect skinnys and I'm obsessed with the trench and pink scarf combo!

    XO, Gina

  25. Your pics are all so beautiful. I'd love to take a paris trip with my daughter one day! Although she is only One right now haha.

  26. Your photos are beautiful! I loved Versailles :) It really sucks that there was such a long line to get in. When I went to Paris we were able to go right in because we went with a tour group. I guess there are perks for going with a group, even though it does get boring sometimes.

  27. thanks for the tips on versaille! i've always wanted to go to there and champagne.

  28. When we went to Versailles it was in November, so we missed the long lines for sure. All the Veuve makes me so jealous!!!! Next time we go to France we will for SURE make a trip there - it looks so amazing!

  29. Next time you go to Versaille book a bike tour with Fat Tire! My husband and I did one and it was great. You bike the grounds during the morning, picnic lunch, and then hit up the palace in the afternoons when the crowds are smaller!


Lovely notes to be