Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Weekend in London

A couple weeks ago my brother was over for a visit. It is so nice having family over... but makes us miss home so much!
During his stay, we took a quick trip over to London to show him the sites. It was such a fun weekend!
We managed to cover all the touristy attractions, including Big Ben, The Parliament Buildings, London Eye, Kensington Palace, Westminster Abbey, St. James' Cathedarl, Soho District and Abbey Road.

The last two times we've been over to London, we've stayed at Park Plaza Westminster Bridge. I highly recommend this hotel. The rooms were very nice and it's in the perfect location for walking around site seeing & taking the Tube.


  1. How fun! Glad you got a chance to see your brother! Love the pictures!

  2. Thanks for the recommendations - taking notes for our visit in July!! Great photos and so awesome that you guys had a great trip!!

  3. looks like a wonderful time, great photos!
    i'm following you now. hope you'll follow me, too!
    happy day!

  4. OMG LOVE!!! London is like my favorite place ever! These pictures are absolutely amazing too. Looks like the weather was perfect!

    <3, Pamela

  5. beautiful pictures! I hoping to see London someday;)

    XO, Gina

  6. This looks amazing! I'm sure you were so happy to see your brother, and what a fun weekend you had!

  7. Gorgeous photos!! London is definitely on my travel bucket list! So jealous you get to see all of these gorgeous places :)

  8. Your pictures are fantastic! Isn't London fab? I just love it. Wasn't Kensington Palace amazing?? did you see the Fashion rules exhibit? It was amazing!!

    Best, Mree

  9. SO gorgeous! Your brother is lucky to have you as a tour guide!

  10. my gosh the site of big ben had my heart beating fast. so so beautiful!

  11. So scenic!! I wish I could take a quick trip to London! Wait, actually -- a long one.

  12. Awesome pictures looks like you had a blast.

  13. I would LOVE to visit London one day. We were supposed to this spring but our move put that on hold. Love the pics!

  14. I have never been to London but it is on my bucket list! My first trip to Europe will be Greece for our honeymoon...I suspect I will be getting the travel bug! xx.

  15. Looks like you had great weather and a fun visit with your brother!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  16. Amazing pictures!! I visited London last year, and it was one of my favorite vacations ever!

  17. Gah, it looks so pretty! So nice you got to spend time with your brother.

  18. how fun your brother came for a visit!! maybe i need to come for a visit :-)

  19. looks like so much fun! i love when family visits :) AND it actually looks sunny in london :) :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  20. Beautiful pictures and what great weather too! Nick and I might head to London in the fall - I haven't been in well over a decade and I think he would love it too!

  21. So fun! Um, where have you not been? Malaysia ha? Must see London in person some time!

  22. Dying to go to London!! I'll keep that hotel in mind if I ever get to go!!

  23. Such gorgeous pictures! Glad you had fun with your brother xo

  24. What great photos! Takes me back to my visit to London! It was such a fun and beautiful city I would love to visit again!

  25. Looks like a fabulous trip! :)

  26. so wonderful! do you ever get tired of going to the same places when loved ones come to visit?

  27. Such a great city and your pictures totally capture it!

  28. Fun!! I was there about 5 or 6 years ago (wow, has it really been that long!?) and loved it! I didn't have time to go up in the London Eye, but I definitely will next time!

  29. Fun!! Great recommendations - I'll keep these in mind for our trip this summer. XO

  30. what a fun weekend with your brother - it looks like you two had a good time!

  31. what a fabulous time! thanks for the hotel suggestion. I just love London, and this post made me miss it - and my brothers! lol.

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Lovely notes to be