Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Italy: Amalfi Coast recap (part III)

I am wrapping up the final recap of the Amalfi Coast with our last leg which we spent on the island of Capri. This place is beyond dreamy. I already want to go back.
Here is a panorama shot from the ferry ride into Capri.

You can get to Capri via the ferry, fast ferry or hydofoil (fastest) and during the high season, boats depart from multiple destinations throughout the Amalfi Coast. We purchased our tickets at the dock.
We went right before high season, which was good and bad. It was busy, prices were good and we were able to get a free up grade at our hotel: Hotel Floridiana. The downside was that a lot of the shops and a few restaurants weren't opening until the next week.

Either way, I loved Capri. It was absolutely gorgeous and a place I never thought I would get to travel to.

Here are the other recaps from the Amalfi Coast if you missed them:


  1. Breathtaking pictures, what a gorgeous place!!

  2. Your pictures are stunning!! I wish we could have made it out there while in Italy!

  3. oh my gosh i absolutely adored capri! definitely a place that my boyfriend and i both agreed we MUST go back and stay at for a few days. gorgeous photos by the way :)

  4. It seriously looks like heaven!! I just love all the colors of the islands!! Glad you guys had a great time and got a free upgrade!!

  5. SO gorgeous! it's like greece + italy had a baby and it's the almalfi coast! i need to go there. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. such gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing!

    XO, Gina

  7. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!

    Best, Mree

  8. makes me want to literally up and go! that last pic is beautiful!

  9. That seriously doesn't even look real how beautiful it is!!!! Definitely on my list! One day :-)

  10. What a dream! The Amalfi Coast is calling my name now... :)

  11. Amalfi Coast has been at the top of my list for quite some time now. I think I need to start feeding my piggy bank more often to make this trip happen.

  12. WOW looks so beautiful! Really want to visit now!

Emma| With A City Dream

  13. what beautiful photos! I'll be taking a there this September with my mother and grandmother and am beyond excited now!

  14. Yes, it is absolutely dreamy!! Every picture is gorgeous. Definitely on my bucket list.

  15. Loving all the white-washed buildings. Such a cute couples pic!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! Seriously. There's nothing else to say here. Unless you want a lengthy comment covering how jealous I am...


    Okay. Well, we'll just leave it at BEAUTIFUL. :)

  17. could your photos make me want to go there anymore than i already do!!

  18. This just made me add Capri to my bucket list. The photos remind me of Greece.

  19. Just gorgeous. I love the architecture there.

  20. Capri looks so gorgeous! Looks like an awesome trip!

  21. What a beautiful experience!!
    xo TJ

  22. Absolutely gorgeous, thanks for letting us live vicariously through you!

  23. oh gosh, your pictures look like some kind of a daydream - how lovely. and i love that full-body picture of you- you're just as stylish as the clothes you post about :)

  24. Your pictures are amazing! Love all the brightly color buildings!

  25. these are seriously making me drool i love them so much! need to get back to italy now! Xo

  26. Me again :) Just stopping back by to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog today.


  27. Awesome photos. We went to the Amalfi Coast a few years ago and just fell in love with the place. Capri was beautiful! I miss the lemon gelato!

  28. Killing me with these post. Oh sigh...actually I love them. I am just going to live vicariously through you!

  29. The pictures in this post are truly INCREDIBLE!!! So jelly of your travels!!! :) :)

  30. Stunning photos! I just love Italy :)

  31. Oh Capri - how I love! This was the last stop for our study abroad group before the end of our term so I have wonderful memories there. Your pictures are beautiful!


Lovely notes to be