Monday, March 3, 2014

Recaps + a Recipe

Happy Monday!

I have a mishmash of thoughts and pictures today. Sorry for being all over the place.

Since we are a few hours ahead, I spent my morning recapping the Oscars.
The bird's work put together Oscar ballots and boy, did we miss the mark. I think one of the only ones we answered right was Best Picture: 12 Years a Slave. So well deserved.
I just love Ellen. And here were a few of my favorite looks for the night: Cate Blanchett // Lupita Nyong'o // Julia Roberts

Here's a recap of the best moments of the night.

On another, completely separate note, I am finally getting back into my groove after this awful bug.
Did any of you get it? It was terrible! And it's taken 2 weeks to feel like myself again! Time for yoga.

Lastly, the granola seen above was one of the things I accomplished this weekend. It was delicious!
Salty, sweet and filling. Perfect over yogurt or served in almond milk. Yum!

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  1. Glad your totally on the mend now!! I really loved Cate's look - thought the dress was perfect on her!! And Lupita - girl came out in full force last night - the body, the dress- everything was perfect!!

  2. That granola looks delicious! I'm glad you are starting to feel better this flu season has been really terrible! Btw I didn't get a change to comment on your Friday post but the pair of D'orsay flats I got are super comfortable! I definitely recommend them! xoxoxo

    Meet @ the Barre

  3. so glad to hear you are feeling better! Love your yoga towel:)
    The granola does look delish. We love the blueberry vanilla one that Kind makes, but I think I will try out your recipe.
    enjoy your yoga!
    XO, Gina

  4. Glad you are feeling somewhat back to normal, doll!!! Loved loved looooved Lupita's gown. Stunning. Happy Monday! Xx.

  5. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Love that you posted some of the beautiful dresses from the Oscars! Thanks for also stopping by my blog and commenting! Happy Monday!

  6. Yes I will make that granola! So glad you are feeling better :) Oh and Julia Roberts, glamorous as always!

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better! Kory got sick a few weeks ago, but I luckily managed not to get it from him. I'm definitely going to be making that granola. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  8. So glad to hear you are feeling better! I missed the Oscars, but I'm looking forwards to checking out all the fashion recaps today online :) Love Lupita and Julia's gowns!! xx

  9. I lived Olivia Wildes look. Perfection.

  10. Those were my favorite dresses as well!! So glad you are feeling better. Can't wait for my yoga tomorrow!

  11. Ooh, I'll have to try your granola recipe - you had me with salty AND sweet! 12 Years a Slave was phenomenal. And Julia hasn't aged at all!

  12. Yay for feeling better finally! The Oscars last night.. everyone looked amazing! I think Kate Hudson was my absolute fave!

  13. Glad you are feeling better! I thought Ellen did a great job last night. Loved Lupita Nyong'o gown. So happy that 12 Years a Slave won, well deserved!!

    Best, Mree

  14. im glad youre feeling better! i love all of your oscar fashion picks! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. Oooo girl that granola looks divine!! Hopping on over to that buzzfeed oscar article now! xx

  16. glad to hear you're feeling better! love your oscar favorites :)

  17. I ate so terrible all weekend. God bless you for gettin' after yoga again. Spandex denim for me today!

  18. Ugh, glad you're back on the up and up! Lupita stole the night, what a rockstar! I love the Oscars and am honestly a bit sad that now we have an entire year of waiting to watch them again!

  19. I still can't get over Lupita's dress - it's so beautiful and flowy! The colour just looks amazing on her. I think her award was the most deserved one, it felt like everyone was rooting for her!
    I do feel a bit sad for Leo for missing out on yet another Oscar, but the competition was very worthy - Matthew definitely did deserve his gold statue!


  20. Lupita ALWAYS knocks it out of the park, her style is impeccable and she is so consistently good at it plus she is gorgeous!

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  21. We do a ballot with Theo's family and he and I both knew 12 Years a Slave was going to win but we went with our hearts and chose Wolf of Wall Street knowing it wasn't going to win! Lupita did look amazing! Girl's got gorgeous skin!

  22. i didn't get to watch the oscars but i lupita nyong'o is so beautiful and so smart. and her dress was stunning!

  23. Those were some of my favorite dresses too!

  24. Glad you're feeling better lady! Being sick is no fun (I am convinced girl scout cookies would have helped you heal faster!)

  25. Glad you are feeling better! That granola sounds fabulous!

  26. Love Lupita. She was my favorite for sure. Glad you are on the mend

  27. glad you are feeling better. ! I loved Jared Leto's speech during the oscars- so moving.

  28. the oscars were absolutely lovely and wonderful and, luckily, funny :) i agree with your top 3 picks for best-dressed!

  29. Such great picks! I thought everyone looks so great! And seriously, Ellen is perfect! :)
    xo TJ

  30. So glad you are start to feel better! Being sick is the worst!! So many beautiful ladies at the Oscars!! Loved your top 3!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  31. so sorry to hear that bug wiped you out so badly. glad you're feeling better and wow, that granola sounds phenomenal!

  32. Honestly still living all the Oscar recaps! Lupita looked BREATHTAKING, such a stunning color on her! And that granola sounds dee-lish!

  33. I haven't seen 12 years a slave and cannot wait to rent it now! Glad you are feeling better!

  34. Ellen was SO great..such an entertaining show but too long! Always love the Oscars fashion and Tweeting the red carpet :)

  35. hope you're better now! i've worked hard on NOT getting sick, so the times that i have, haven't lasted too long. hugs to you!

  36. Lupita's dress was SO lovely! My fave of the night!

  37. That light blue dress killed me. She is insanely beautiful and talented (and humble!)

    I know you follow me on Bloglovin', so I just wanted to update you that my url changed (and like a dummy), I forgot to post it BEFORE I moved my blog to a new URL- so when I sent out the update no one already following me could see it... ugh.

    So FYI, I'm now permanently at, and I have a link posted in the most recent post if you'd like to refollow through Bloglovin'. New layout and content is pending, but I wanted to be sure my friends actually see it (so embarrassing!)

    Thanks for your support and understanding with the hiccups in the change!


Lovely notes to be