Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Italy: Amalfi Coast recap (part II)

This part of our trip definitely deserves its own post.

At the end of our vacations, the bird and I pick our highs and lows of our trip. One of my highs from the Amalfi Coast was definitely The Path of the Gods (Sentiero degli Dei) hike.
From Positano, we took the SITA bus down to Amalfi.
We had a little time to spare in Amalfi, grabbed lunch to go and hopped on another bus to Agerola (Bomerano stop), where we started the hike.
The hike is moderate and was about 5+ miles. We picked up lunch and water in Amalfi and stopped along the trail to eat, which was perfect. In my opinion, this is a must-see and do in Amalfi- fits in some vacation exercise, gorgeous views and a whole new perspective of the southern coast of Italy.

Here is Part I of our trip to the Amalfi Coast (Sorrento + Positano) and Part III (Capri).


  1. Your pictures are stunning!! You have me craving a European vacation like no other!!

  2. Awesome hike! What a beautiful place!

  3. These pictures are breathtaking!!! What a beautiful place!! Now I want to go back to Italy stat!!

    Best, Mree

  4. Like a postcard... absolutely stunning! xo

  5. I'm ready to pack my bags and head to the Amalfi coast right now! Gorgeous pictures!

  6. this is just too beautiful. the view is amazing and i just love the details on the .. is it a church? it's beautiful.

  7. I shall live vicariously through your pictures.

  8. I'm not very outdoors-y but I love a good hike - especially along an Italian coast!

  9. i love hiking and doing it on the coast is perfect! Can't believe how close to the cliff everything looks.

  10. in awe of the beauty!! xo

  11. That crumbled old stone house is so gorgeous! Love the pictures, more more more!

  12. so jealous! this trip looks amazing! just found your blog--and I'm excited to follow along!

  13. i have always wanted to go to the amalfi coast!!! it looks just as beautiful as i imagined!

  14. GORGEOUS! did you hike in cinque terre?! i wonder how the two compare? i wore sandals (like an idiot) and struggled a lot during our hike in CT... but i want to go to the almafi coast so i hope it's easier! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. That last picture (well, all of them really) is amazing! We always love hiking on vacations - so much to see and have to work off some of the food we consume nonstop ;)

  16. Oh my gosh that looks incredible! Stunning pictures :)

  17. breathtaking photography!! This looks like such an amazing experience.

    XO, Gina

  18. I will get there one day. Have you ever been to Cinque Terre? Equaly just as gorgeous with an amazing hike that goes through all 5 towns.

  19. can i just say how jealous i am of your life like seriously!!! you are so lucky you and your husband get to live abroad and experience and visit so many countries, thanks for sharing these photos makes me wanna book a trip

  20. i did this very same hang during spring break a few years ago- so gorgeous, right? and don't you wish you had a photographer to snap pictures of you in all these shots as you toured the area? and sigh - your photographs make me want to go back to italy asap.

  21. The pictures from your trip are just gorgeous! So glad you guys have such a wonderful time!!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  22. So beautiful and picturesque. Love seeing what you captured!

  23. It is soooo pretty! Take me with you next time.


  24. that crumbling stone house...the grey and white stunning!

  25. Gorgeous photos! I would do a lot to be in amalfi right about now!!


Lovely notes to be