Friday, March 21, 2014

Instagrams of Italy

And we're back!

I hope to have my 'real' pictures up and ready to go next week, but for now here are a few Instagrams from our vacation in Italy.
And here is one last shot from the plane ride, going over the French Alps.

Lastly, here is a lovely article on the 20 Best Small Towns to Visit in the US.
I may be a little bias since my little hometown was voted #2! Yay!

Looking forward to a full recap on Italy next week! Have a lovely weekend!

Linked with A Liz Adventures


  1. OH ITALY!! is that the almalfie coast? because it sure does look like it! i loved italy; we spent almost 4wks there and it wasn't nearly enough!!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Drool, drool, drool! I want to visit Italy so badly! Love these pics and can't wait for the next bunch :)

  3. Oh if these little snippets show anything of whats to come - I can't wait for your recap!! Love you the photo of you on the vespa!!

  4. SOOO beautiful! i want to go back to italy! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. ohhhh I want to go back so badly now!!! BEAUTIFUL! Glad you're home safe!

  6. Such great photos! I hope you guys had the best time!

  7. these pics look fabulous and it looks like you had an amazing time!! happy friday and glad to be a new follower!

  8. These pictures are so amazing!! Can't wait to see more!! xo

  9. I am drooling over here! Now I have to plan my imaginary trip to Italy and not get anything else done today :).

    Can't wait for a full recap!

  10. Gorgeous pictures! Visiting Italy is on my bucket list for sure!! Xo

  11. Those pictures are fantastic!!! Love the one of you on the pink scooter!!

    Best, Mree

  12. Gorgeous pictures! Can't wait to some day see it in person.

    Happy Friday! :)

  13. Oh my goodness! Your pictures are amazing! I hope to make it to Italy eventually!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Oh my gosh! Your pictures are beautiful and looks like you had an amazing time!! Take me to Italy! Lol Happy Friday xo

  15. Amazing!! I can't wait to see you camera pictures :)) And that yellow scooter and pink helmet are too cute!! xx

  16. Those pictures are gorgeous!! I swear you live the best life! Have a great weekend!

  17. looks amazing!! love the yellow scooter and your pink helmet!

  18. Welcome back from what looks like a (not surprisingly!) incredible trip. Can't wait for more pictures. Happy weekend :)

  19. So much fun! And you on the scooter has to be the best photo!

  20. Hooray for an Italian holiday!! :) Love the snapshots!! I spent a few days in Venice and Verona years ago...I'd love to go back and explore more!! Glad you enjoyed such a fabulous trip!!!

  21. It looks beautiful! Love that you got a motorized bike. That sunset was gorgeous!

  22. That second picture is amazing!! I studied abroad in Italy and fell in love with the country. Have to plan a return trip asap!

  23. So amazing! What a view! I also love your outfit with the salmon pants!

  24. Wow. These photos are amazing. I wish I was there now.


  25. Wow... the Amalfi is something else isn't it? I love Italy... one of my favorite European cities. That sunset is stunning.

  26. I can't wait to see the rest! Looks like such an amazing trip!!! xoxoxo

  27. Oh my gosh, beautiful! You look so cute on the Vespa! Italy is definitely on my bucket list :) I can't wait to hear all about the trip!

  28. the instagram photos look stunning- makes me excited to see what else is up next :) and that picture of you on the vespa? perfect- looks like a great time!

  29. i've only visited italy in winter, so i'd love to see it when a little warmer. swooning over the pics!!

  30. such a cute pic of you and your hubby!
    XO, Gina

  31. Looks like such a lovely trip!! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures :)

  32. You + scooter = mega cuteness.

  33. so lovely! never been to the coast of italy but i have been twice and i am so excited because i just found out i am possibly going later this year. yay!

  34. Be still my beating heart. These pictures, the structures, the water...oh my! It sounds like a such a wonderful trip. The hubs and I have talked about going in the future. I may be contacting you for information!

  35. You are too cute on that Vespa! I love your helmet!


Lovely notes to be