Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Recipe: Shredded Brussels Sprout Salad

This week I was inspired to try out a new recipe.
We made a shredded brussels sprout salad with homemade dressing a lots of yummy toppings.
Shredded Brussels Sprout Salad
Serves about 4
20-25 Brussels Sprouts
1 handful Spinach
1/2 Crispy apple
1/2 Avocado
1/4 cup Thinly sliced onions
8-10 Sun-dried Tomatoes chopped
1/3 cup Pecorino or Parmigiano cheese, grated or sliced
20 Roasted & chopped Pecans or Walnuts

Homemade French Dressing
10 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 T Dijon Mustard
4 T Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Cloves Garlic, minced (roasted or raw)
Salt & Pepper (to taste)
Water (for consistency and taste)

1. Shred brussels spouts with a food processor, mandoline or chop with a knife.
Optional: blend in additional lettuce, such as chopped kale or spinach
2. Roast nuts over heat for less than 10 minutes, or until brown & crispy.
3. Chop veggies and cheese
4. Dress, toss & serve... and Enjoy!


  1. oh my goodness that looks absolutely delicious! i love trying new ways to serve brussels sprouts so i may have to give this a try :)

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  2. So we have been diong the Whole 30 challenge, and have had to get creative with meals to avoid boredom...can you believe I have never had a brussel sprout?! I need to make this salad!

  3. This looks delicious!! Now if I coul d just get my husband to eat brussel sprouts, ha!

  4. This looks SO good! I would definitely eat more brussel sprouts this way!!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is crazy, but I don't think I have ever had a brussel sprout before! This looks delicious though! :)

  6. That salad looks so good.

    Best, Mree

  7. I had brussels sprouts for the first time over Christmas and was obsessed! thanks for such an easy recipe!

  8. I love brussels sprouts and always look for new recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I've been trying to find ways to incorporate brussels sprouts into our dinners... will have to give this one a try! :)

  10. yum! this looks fantastic! i LOVE raw brussels sprouts but my stomach cant handle them... i have to cook them up! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. Award for most inventive use of brussels sprouts so far! Love it

  12. you're the best! i just got a huge bag of brussels sprouts and needed some new recipes to use them in. perfect! XO

    the well-traveled wife ♥

  13. i love brussels sprouts. will have to try this one out!

  14. Oh that looks fresh and delicious!

  15. This looks so delicious! I'm currently obsessed with brussel sprouts & love finding new recipes. I have yet to try out shaved brussel sprouts, so I'll have to do that soon!

  16. I have never tried a brussel sprout in my life! But this recipe is making me change my tune! Looks yummy!

  17. That looks amazing....will be saving for future use :-)

  18. this looks absolutely delicious and healthy all at once - a hard combination to master. will have to add this to my recipe list for the week:)

  19. this looks absolutely delicious and healthy all at once - a hard combination to master. will have to add this to my recipe list for the week:)

  20. This looks so good! I am just now learning to eat them, but I know they are so good for you!


Lovely notes to be