Monday, January 27, 2014

Pretty Inspiration

My weekend wasn't nearly as pretty and glamorous as this image, but I am loving this color palette and inspiration for Monday morning.

• On Friday, we went to see American Hustle.
It was good. But, am I the first to say Jennifer Lawrence's role may not have been suitable for her? Eek! On a nicer note, I thought Amy Adams and Christian Bale were amazing!

• I hope my kitchen cabinets look like this one day!

• After going home over Christmas, I started using coconut oil in a whole new way!
Dublin is always humid, so the climate change made my lips beyond chapped. Here's a list of other great uses for it.

Have a great week! Xo

Image Credit
Linked with Join the Gossip


  1. sounds like a great weekend! i actually thought jennifer lawrence was fantastic in american hustle, but the girl can do no wrong in my eyes :)

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  2. Those cabinets are perfect!
    Have a great week.

  3. That picture makes me oh so happy and I wish my desk looked like that on a daily basis!! Happy Monday!

  4. i still want to see that movie!! love this photo too, it makes me want to wear something pink. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. American Hustle is definitely on my movie list. Hopefully I can get around to it before it's too late!


  6. Ooh, I love the glittery office space:) and isn't coconut oil magical!!! I love it.
    XO, Gina

  7. I have been dying to see American Hustle!! I love J Lawrence, so I hope she doesn't disappoint me.
    I'm obsessed with coconut oil, especially under my eyes when my skin gets dry. My under eye area is the first to show fatigue, dry skin, etc. and coconut oil always helps. :-)
    XO - Samantha

  8. Not going to lie, I didn't love American Hustle. Maybe it had been talked up so much that my expectations were too high? The acting was brilliant, but I was definitely getting antsy to leave the theatre during the last 30 minutes or so :)

  9. Those cabinets are fantastic!!
    I haven't seen American Hustle but want to since it was filmed near my office.

    Best, Mree

  10. Beautiful love the blush and golds. Interesting about Jennifer Lawrence in American Hustle. Haven't seen it yet!

  11. I'm hoping to see American Hustle, FINALLY, this week!

  12. that is a pretty image indeed!! Dying to see that movie...I saw the Wolf of Wall Street...great acting...but the behavior is so terrible I was really affected by it and was so sad after.

  13. I love the color scheme of this picture! It's so pretty :) I haven't seen that movie yet!
    Suzanne from written by suzanne

  14. I haven't seen that movie yet but it definitely on my list! I really need to get some coconut oil so I can start using it in every facet of my life ;-) That picture is so gorgeous!

  15. i was just going to look into coconut oil more. thanks for the link!

  16. I haven't seen American Hustle yet but that's interesting you didn't care for Jennifer Lawrence's role. I'm not as crazy about her as everyone else is.

  17. Loving this image. I just want to toss the sequins everywhere and ditch work with that clutch!

  18. I had similar feeling on American Hustle! Jennifer was funny but something seemed, off?

  19. Recently found that picture on Pinterest and fell in love. I wish my desk was that neat and pretty!
    Great post!
    CoverGirl + Converse
    PS - I'm back on the blog! Check it out!

  20. Coconut oil is a life changer/saver!

  21. Those kitchen cabinets are beautiful. I use coconut oil for my hair per the advice of my aunt and mom, and it is amazing! It makes it so soft!

    Wishing you a beautiful day!

  22. I wish my desk would look that neat, it is covered in receipts to be filed. Oops. That cabinet is gorgeous and so would so cute! Stopping by from the link-up.

  23. I really want to see that movie! But you know that I am still bitter over The Hobbit!

  24. Great picture. I love blush+gold, what a fab combo! I am a big fan of J Law- she was funny in the role, but do agreesomething was off.

    Have a great week!

  25. so pretty! I wish my desk looked this gorgeous!

  26. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! And I love this inspiration, a pretty color palette indeed!

  27. Sooooo pretty!!!! Love! And sounds like a wonderful weekend!!

  28. Is that a bowl of confetti on the desk? Is it me or is that a disaster waiting to happen. OH MY!?! It's pretty, but man....

    Meanwhile... Amy Adams absolutely and completely made American Hustle for me. She was dazzling to watch. And so different than her character in Her. What an actress that girl is!

  29. Going to see american hustle is on my to do list! Love the first inspiration picture :)

  30. I never thought of using coconut oil as a lip balm, but I love the idea. The harsh air is doing a number on my skin.

  31. I saw American Hustle on Sunday and completely agree about Jennifer Lawrence! I couldn't warm to the character at all. Amy Adams was amazing, I loved her...and her fabulous hair! :)

  32. Bahhh oh no I'm sad to hear that about Jennifer Lawrence- love her! We opted for Her this weekend, but American Hustle is next on my list! And oh how I wish my desk was that sweet.

  33. I have actually been hearing a lot of people say they didnt think American Hustle was all they were expecting. Im waiting for it on redbox because of the mixed reviews!

  34. i want my office to look like your pic!

  35. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I have to make a concerted effort to track down some coconut oil...

  36. such a cliff-hanger- are you using the coconut oil as a hair mask? i keep hearing good things about that.. :)

  37. I felt the same about American Hustle. Actually, I didn't even really care for the film, although I think I may be one of the few.


Lovely notes to be