Monday, December 30, 2013

Recap of 2013: part 1

What a year we've had. Like one of the best yet. And it has definitely ended with one of the best trips yet: two weeks at home with friends and family!

And since I have this sweet little blog, I thought it was necessary to document this wonderful whirlwind of a year, full of trips & travels.

January: Dublin + Galway, Ireland
February: Paris, France
March: Edinburgh, Scotland
April: Barcelona, Spain + Berlin, Germany

In May, we took our first trip home to the San Francisco Bay Area.

I will post part 2 on Wednesday... and I have to say, our trips in the second half of the year were our favorite!

Exclaimer: Please know, this isn't how my life has always looked. The bird and I were presented with a wonderful opportunity to move to Ireland for (the bird's) work. And since we live in California, one of the furthest places from Europe you can get, traveling for us was a must!

If you are traveling to any of these places and would like any tips or recommendations, my email is all yours! I would love to help!

Thank you for all the love in 2013!

Here's to 2014!


  1. hahah i love the disclaimer!!! what a wonderful opportunity to travel! live it up and make more happy memories in 2014! xo jillian

  2. Such a memorable year for you two - I've loved following along!! :)

  3. Hehe, I'm writing up tomorrow's post and we've traveled a lot...for us, but nothing like you two! What a great opportunity. Ireland is definitely on my list!

  4. This is so awesome that you get to travel all this year! So envious what incredible memories you're creating.

  5. Haha I have mentioned this before but I am so envious of you and all the traveling and living in Ireland!! What a great year you have had and this year will be even better. So glad you like the new design :)

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  6. Haha I have mentioned this before but I am so envious of you and all the traveling and living in Ireland!! What a great year you have had and this year will be even better. So glad you like the new design :)

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  7. such an incredible year. loved this post and that's the best part of blogs-- you document and remember everything! XOXOXO

  8. What an amazing year, you little world traveler!

  9. Amazing!! So many fabulous places in a year :) My family is from Edinburgh, so I have a soft spot for that city! And it's so awesome that you are able to live in Ireland and travel all over Europe, I would definitely do the same if I lived there!!

  10. You have such an awesome life and I love the disclaimer! I appreciate your tips on traveling to Europe you sent me awhile back and if we ever do get to go, I'll be in contact!

  11. If I lived in Europe I would travel every weekend…like I did when I studied abroad haha!! I think Barcelona is just amazing and can't wait to see what recap 2 will bring!! May 2014 bring many more travel adventures your way! We are planning Greece for next year - so you'll have to let me know if you've been to Mykonos…

  12. Ah it's on my bucket list! What a fun adventure!

  13. What a year!!! Love all your travels! Hope you had a happy Christmas!

  14. You've had some awesome trips! I loved reading those posts. Cheers to more in 2014!

  15. what a stunning recap! seriously gorgeous photos!
    xo Jessica

  16. what a wonderful year--and this is only part 1! you'll treasure those memories of traveling. i know you do already!

  17. looks like a pretty amazing year to me :) you two are so lucky to be in europe and able to travel around! it makes me miss living abroad! happy 2014 to you!!

  18. what an amazing year!! I hope 2014 brings many more of these amazing trips! There is nothing in the world like traveling to such amazing places!

  19. oh the places you've been! how wonderful! hope your 2014 looks as just as wonderful with new adventures!

  20. Great recap with some stunning pics.

  21. such happiness in all these photos :) cheers to you and cheers to hoping that 2014 is just as wonderful.

  22. You have gotten to go to some seriously amazing places! Who could pass up a chance like that to move over there!? (Especially with work paying for the move, right!?) Happy new year!!

  23. Loved your recap! What a great year. Here's to lots more travel, fun and friendship in 2014 :)

    Happy New Year xo

  24. WHAT a year! I have just loved following your adventures-- here's to even more amazing travels in 2014 for you! xxx

  25. Happy 2014!! You guys have made so many memories this year!! We hope you had an amazing holiday back home!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  26. So many fabulous places!! Take me with you!!


Lovely notes to be