Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend recaps & a fabulous sale!

We had a fairly mellow weekend over here.

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to meet up with another fellow American living in Dublin, Briana. Sometimes, it's just so nice to chat with someone going through the same type of thing you are.
Of course I forgot to take pictures. But if you are ever in Dublin, definitely go to the Cake Cafe. Delicious breakfast, lunch and freshly baked treats!

The bird and I also went to see Gravity. It was the first 3D movie I have seen... besides the one they have at Disneyland.

We found a new hotspot in town called P. Macs.
They have a great bar, free snacks and sweets... and games!

We opted for Guess Who? A childhood favorite of mine. Did you know they have an animal version now too?!

Oh, and between all the delicious grub we had over the weekend, the bird and I managed to get through a couple of these and a few miles:
Still, it would be impossible for your weekend to be as productive as ours was! ;)

Lastly, Piperlime is having a sale for 25% off dresses (& 40% off sale dresses) through tomorrow!

I love these 3!
one // two // three

Perfect for all of the upcoming holiday parties!

Linked with Sami's Shenanigans


  1. haha i used to love guess who!! how fun :) did you like gravity? i still havent seen it... guess i should get on that! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. There's a bar near me that has games and Guess Who? Is one of them. So fun to play drinking! I love that Parker dress in the middle!! Gorgeous!

  3. Love all three dresses!! Especially the one in the middle :)
    Suzanne from written by suzanne

  4. Guess Who-loved, loved that game! That bar sounds so fun!

  5. you had a marvelous weekend! so awesome. those dresses are nice :D

  6. Oooh I love it - welcome dress season. My favorite!

  7. A 7 minute workout? I guess I could find time for that!

  8. How was Gravity? I was wondering how they could make it into a 2 hour movie...

  9. I'm dying to see Gravity! Did you like it?

  10. Oh I am loving that cream sequined number! One of these years I need to be somewhere warm when I ring in the New Year!

  11. OMG that place is so cute. I am glad you had a good weekend. Mine was the opposite of productive but I needed it. I love the dresses you picked. I have had my eye on a few fun cocktail dresses too. xoxo

  12. So, I'm definitely in Florida, but how cute is Cake Cafe?!

  13. Fun weekend! I need to get all up on that scientific workout haha!

    I want to find a bar that has games!

  14. So fun that you got to spend time with a friend! And I think I could get on board with a workout if it only takes 7 minutes - might have to give it a try!

  15. Oh my gosh! I want to visit Dublin just so I can visit that adorable Cake Cafe! And I love finding places with unique charms! We found a cute bar in New York while we were there that had games and we played Parcheesi!

  16. love the first dress!!! Glad you worked out too :)

  17. The cafe looks cozy and nice.
    Love all those fab dresses.

  18. Hope your weekend was lovely! That cafe looks amazing!

  19. Oh gosh, I definitely feel bad that I don't work out as much as I should. Might just have to try the 7 minute workout! ;)
    xo TJ

  20. A bar with Guess Who? - that sounds so fun! :) That workout looks perfect, I've been wanting a little routine to do a few times each many reps of each exercise do you do?
    Love the second dress (cream) with the gold sequins, gorgeous!!

    xx em

  21. Sounds like it was a lovely weekend! Love those dresses. Thanks for posting the 7 minute workout!!

    Best, Mree

  22. Yay, it's so fun to start thinking about sparkly holiday dresses :-)

    always, koru kate

  23. We always love hearing about your weekends out in Dublin! And those dresses are amazing!! You are right, perfect for the upcoming holiday festivities or even for a Girls Night Out! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  24. How did you like Gravity in 3D? I've heard it makes people sick. I just saw it in 2D (I admit, I didn't love the movie!) and got a little motion sick.
    I haven't seen that 7 minute workout. Gonna have to try it!
    Those dresses are gorg!

  25. ok i seriously LOVE that first dress! i'm on the hunt for the perfect black illusion top dress!


Lovely notes to be