Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Recap: Christmas decor, a concert & trip planning

This weekend was a fun and busy one!

On Thursday, the bird and I went to The Lumineers concert. They were absolutely amazing live!
Dublin was the largest venue they have played in Europe, and still it wasn't that big at all.

Here's a short clip from my iphone:

And here's what the rest of our weekend looked like:
 A day trip to the seaside // Starbucks Christmas cups in Dublin
Lots of Christmas decor around the city // Fedora props & a fun night out
Stocking up on my own Christmas goodies

We also saw the Hunger Games: Catching Fire which was fantastic. I love how close the movie stuck to the book!
Lastly, this coming weekend we are headed to Copenhagen! So excited!!! Let me know if you've been and if you have any tips or recommendations for us!


  1. Copenhagen is amazing! I hope you love it! Dublin though - I've never been there and it sure looks lovely!

    I'm your newest follower :)

  2. I'm so jealous–I've been dying to see The Lumineers live!

  3. Looks like such a fun weekend! We went and saw Hunger Games last night too :) I loved it!! Can't wait to see the last one!

  4. Looks like you guys had an amazing weekend!! I've never been to Copenhagen, but let me know if you ever make it to Interlaken, Switzerland...when I studied abroad it was by far my most favorite weekend trip!!

  5. copenhagen sounds wonderful! have a great time! looks like your weekend was pretty great~ :)

  6. Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend. Love your new holiday decorations. Have a blast in Copenhagen, how fun!!

    Best, Mree

  7. Such pretty Christmas decor there! I've always wanted to visit another country this time of year and see how they experience Christmas :)

  8. Yes, the best part of the holidays is the holiday cups :)
    xo TJ

  9. i saw the hunger games on friday - it was awesome! and i love when all of the holiday lights go up in boston :) it makes me feel so cheery!

  10. a lumineers concert and the hunger games film? sounds like a perfect weekend :)

  11. Can't wait to see Catching Fire...bring on the holiday decor!

  12. what a fabulous concert! i know you had fun!!! the malls are so pretty this time of year. i love looking at everything. yours is spectacular. i am going to Starbucks to get a red cup. LOL i love them. fab post!

  13. what a fun concert!!! and i NEED to see hunger games soon! xo

  14. Awww I'm so jealous!! I'd love to see the Lumineers live! I saw Catching Fire too on the weekend and you are right. The movie is sooo good. :)
    xo Andrea
    Wonderful and Marvelous

  15. I really want to see The LUmineers live - I bet that is an amazing concert! Need to go see Catching Fire too but I am waiting for all the teens/tweens to have already sen it!

  16. Aww! Looks like such a fun weekend. I can't believe how close Christmas is!

  17. Fun! You guys are up to cool things! Have fun on your next adventure. Can't wait to see pics.

    Thanks for linking up :)

  18. I can't wait to see Catching Fire, no surprise that it was good! Have so much fun in Copenhagen =)


  19. Fun weekend! It looks like Dublin is amazing at Christmas!

  20. One of these days I am going to get to Ireland. Ah it would be so cool to go to a Starbucks in Ireland.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  21. The Lumineers- you're so lucky!

    always, koru kate

  22. Wow! Looks like you are have lots of fun:) and the concert must have been amazing! My mom just returned from Ireland and said it was just amazing and gorgeous scenery. Enjoy your stay there! xxleslie

  23. Looks like so much fun - great pics.

  24. You two look so cute in your little fedoras! What were they props for?
    I saw Catching Fire over the weekend too, and I loved it; I agree- I'm glad they stuck so close to the book.
    Have a great trip; I've never been to Copenhagen.

  25. Looks like a fun weekend and I love to see all the decorations at this time of year. Enjoy Copenhagen. I haven't bee but its on my list!

  26. I loved the movie! Looks like a great weekend!

  27. i'm seeing CF this week. can't wait!

  28. Sounds like such a fun weekend. I love The Lumineers.

  29. Ahh it looks like you had such a fun weekend! The Christmas decor looks amazing and I love those red starbucks cups!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

  30. Looks like it was a great concert!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  31. It sounds amazing!! Have wonderful time! Great pictures! :)

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