Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Travel Style

After doing a bit of traveling over here, I've learned what absolutely works for me on a long plane ride. Here's some picks you would find me wearing, on the aisle seat of course!

Socks have become a must-have in my travel bag. Along with some other pieces I might just put together in another post.

Nothing will beat 1st class luxury with all their bells and whistles, but until I reach that status, these lovely pieces will have to do.

Are you an aisle or window seat kind of gal?


  1. This is definitely my travel uniform!

  2. love love love this outfit and not necessarily for traveling too i would wear this on a daily basis after i wash it of course. i am an aisle girl i hate having to ask people to get up for me.

  3. I love this look that you've put together, plane ride or no! That scarf is pretty fantastic. I tend to wear a pair of jeans when I fly, only because they are heavier and I try to fit so much into my suitcase.
    Also, I'm more of a window seat kind of a gal, but my daughter is too, so I end up in the middle or the aisle.
    Have a great day!

  4. This is the perfect travel outfit. I definitely stick to layers, a gigantic scarf and comfy clothes. I am 100% an aisle gal! If I don't get an aisle seat, I get anxious. haha

  5. Definitely aisle! Love this look, comfy & chic :) xo

  6. socks are a must... i'm not walking barefoot through security areas... ha!

  7. I definitely opt for a layered look on flights. My go to item is a big, soft scarf that can double as a blanket when it get drafty during mid-flight. A big bag to stow away my iPad and magazines is a must as well - love that tote!

    xo jen
    Pearls & Lace

  8. Heh it is a window seat for me! Love that bag and so still so jealous you got to travel abroad.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  9. Um this is almost exactly what I wear everytime I get onto a plane! Airport Chic and Comfy ;)

    I go back and forth between being a window girl and an aisle girl, depending on the time of day that I'm flying. If I'm flying at night, I go for the window so I can rest my head on it. During the day, I prefer to be on the aisle so I don't feel claustrophobic :)


  10. Ohh this all looks so cute and comfy. Definitely a necessary travel outfit for me too!

  11. traveling is always so hard for me to dress for. I want to be comfy but cute & i usually end up look too comfy & not cute haha!



Lovely notes to be