Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jetsetting to Italy

One week from today, I will be off for my trip to Italy! I am beyond words excited for this trip!

We are flying into Rome and will be staying there for a few days before heading up to Tuscany and Florence. After that, we are off to the gorgeous coast of Cinque Terre and then Milan where we fly out.

Any tips, tricks or recommendations are more than welcome! I am all ears for some great hot spots from all of you!


  1. Lucky! Please take me with you :-)

    always, koru kate

  2. I love, love, love Italy! You're going to have the best time! x

  3. OMG sooooo excited for you!! I am still trying to get to Paris! Take lots of pictures so you can post!

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  4. Hey check out this bloggers post is all about Italy


  5. beautiful picture! have a great time in Italy :)


  6. Ah!! So so jealous!! I can't wait to hear how it is - it's on our long list of places we want to go, and we aren't sure if it is an option for our honeymoon! You should do like a full WEEK of posts about it when you return!


  7. Wow, must be a really nice trip. I hope to visit Italy soon too, probably after Barcelona. Enjoy!

  8. Wow...how lucky are you. That picture says it all!

  9. Gorgeous photo! Can't wait to live vicariously through you!

  10. ooooh! Lucky!! I cannot wait to see your photos when you get back. You have such lovely photos!

    I love your photos as well as your informative & fun posts! I appreciate the time you take to share.
    I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a Liebster Award.
    I hope that you accept! Thanks for the great blogging that you do!



  11. Emily is more than talented love that first shot! And eeek...Italy! :)

  12. Ahh Italy, so jealous, have so much fun!

  13. My favorite place! In Rome, visit the Trastevere neighborhood, it has amazing little trattorias, piazzas, and lots of locals. Try fried/stuffed squash blossoms, they're in season this time of year. Also the Borghese Gardens are beautiful.

    In Cinqueterre, if you're up to it, do the hike between Monterosso and Vernazza, beautiful amazing views but the hike is hard! Bring lots of water and wear good shoes. Riomaggiore is also beautiful, Corniglia is the one town I'd pass up if you're strapped for town, it's the smallest and least picturesque by far - no sea views.

    If you're up for a day trip outside of Rome, Orvieto is about 50 minutes on the train outside of Rome in Umbria. Take the funiculare tram up to the top of Orvieto, they're known for their architecture and white wine, it's a lazy little piazza, people watching kind of town. Very charming.



Lovely notes to be