Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Books & Clubs

I recently came across this book list on Pinterest and was thrilled! I am always looking for the next great book to read. Especially at night... it is such a good 'wind down' for me.
book list

Do you have any other recommendations?
 I have read and/or attempted a couple of these.
The Time Traveler's Wife is amazing... also such a tear jerker!
Oh, and also... Do you know of any good online/blog book clubs out there?


  1. I love reading & I've read many of these . . . The Secret Life of Bees is my very favorite! I'm reading Angry Housewives Eat Bon Bons now & it's quite good.

    always, koru kate

  2. I've always wanted to be part of a book club, but not many of my friends like to read as much as I do. I would definitely recommend "Me Before You"...I just read it on vacation (and ended up crying on the plane) and it was amazing!

  3. This is amazing!! I'm in a book club and we need this for sure :-) I'm glad Gone Girl is on there-- I also have to recommend "Sisterhood Everlasting." Whether you read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants novels growing up or not, everyone I've talked to has loved this :)

  4. I have to read a book every night before bed or else I can't sleep. This is such a good list. I think I've read about half of these. And I love Time Traveler's Wife too! And I really enjoyed Cutting for Stone too!

  5. I'm trying to read more often, so maybe I need to check out a book club!

  6. White Oleander by Janet Finch.

    Ali of


  7. I've read a lot of these, I'd say must reads include:
    The Book Thief, History of Love, Gone Girl, The Help, My sister's Keeper, and Sarah's Key.

  8. I am a big reader and studied literature in grad school so I read things like: Anna Karenina, Moby Dick, and I'm reading Vanity Fair as well as The Divine Comedy right now. I'm thinking of reading a few lighter things, though, and so I am in need of this book list! Thank you.


  9. love books! I am going to have to try some of these out!


Lovely notes to be