Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hope you're having a fabulous week! And happy Pinsday!
I am posting the loveliest home pins I could find.
Seriously dreamy.


As I dream of all these gorgeous home spaces... I am remembering a very inspiring and insightful post that Rhi posted yesterday about Pinterest.

When you find yourself envious and frustrated your home (and life) looks nothing like what you see on this lovely space, read this post.

I did... and it brought me back to reality. Just a little.

But a girl can still dream, right? ;)
I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for her Pinterest link up.


  1. Seriously...we want to live in the same exact house with the same exact decor I swear haha

  2. so that kitchen is killing me--a stunner...

  3. So much gorgeous inspiration! Pinterest has just ruined me! :)


Lovely notes to be