Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday's Fancies: Winter Wonderland + Blog Swaps

I am linking up with Long Distance Loving and her Friday's Fancies link up. The theme today is Winter Wonderland. This week was super fun because Shelly from GS Lillian and I did a blog swap. Here is her fancy little number she put together for me:
Well, hello there!  This is Shelly from GS Lillian.  Jess and I have swapped blog posts today to share our Friday Fancy Winter Wonderland picks.  I'll be perfectly honest, winter is my biggest fashion challenge.  My uniform usually consists of jeans + turtleneck + boots.  The biggest choice of which is choosing what color or darker black?

This week I decided to step out of my self imposed rut and see if I could spice things up a bit while still remaining warm and comfortable.  And since it's Friday Fancies, I didn't hold back...   

First up, a (cashmere!) hoodie.  I've been coveting the J Crew cashmere collection for quite sometime. For and extra layer of warmth, I just could't resist this faux fur vest!  I'm generally not a huge fan of utilitarian boots, but these are cute enough to pass for stylish, while remaining weather appropriate. Jeans are another item on my "not my favorite things list", but color them red and I'm sold.  Finally, to top it all off, some quirky Kate Spade mittens and an adorable hat

I love what Shelly put together! Thank you again!!! You can visit her site to see what I put together for her this week!

Happy Friday! Xo


  1. I'm obsessed with color denim & I practically live in my sorels the second it gets below 40 degrees. Great picks! xx

  2. Fun!! Still obsessing over red jeans, and those Kate Spade mittens are adorableee

  3. so so cute! i love the winter wear and it just looks all so warm and fuzzy. i love the hi 5 on the mittens adorable!!

  4. I LOVE the red that she incorporated. Beautiful!

  5. Gosh those boots are freaking amazing. Now I just need to move back to Oregon where it's actually cold & leave Georgia where it's ummm 75 degrees. I love that fur vest too!!! Such fabulous cute winter wonderland clothes!!!! :)



Lovely notes to be