Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday's Fancies: Outfit Inspiration

Happy Friday!!!
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I am linking up with Long Distance Loving for her Friday's Fancies link up. I found a fabulous little number on Pinterest that I tried my best to recreate:


Enjoy your weekend!

I have my Engagement Party tomorrow! 
So I will be spending my weekend with my closest friends & family.
And my fiancé.

I couldn't be luckier.


  1. Such a fun outfit! I'd love to add those heels and that scarf to my wardrobe. Have a great weekend at your engagement party! xx

  2. So cute!! I have pink jeans so I will have to try them with a navy blazer! And I LOVE those aqua pumps!

  3. This outfit is gorgeous and those pumps are so fun!
    Having an amazing weekend!

  4. I have that top outfit pinned too - love the colors! Those pants you have chosen are gorgeous too :)

    Have an amazing weekend!

    Laura xo

  5. Love the outfit! Have fun at your engagement party!

  6. Tehehe I love this obviously & actually have the same picture pinned on pinterest!!! I love the coral & minty green together! I mean those heels in general are just fabulous! That ring you found is SOOO cute. Want it!!! :)

    Have a nice weekend!

  7. adore the blazer and skinnys!perfect~

  8. Love, love, love this color combo! xoShelly


Lovely notes to be