Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I got back from my trip about a week ago... although you wouldn't know it since I have been MIA from my blog! I am trying to get back on track, I swear!

Here are a few snapshots of what my world looks like, with a little help from my friend Pinterest:
My {un}packing pile

The ridiculous amount of pictures I took that seriously need to be organized!
(And uploaded!)

And my current state of tiredness.
After 10 days of travel, 3 birthday parties & 2 Christmas parties the week I return.
Oh, and finals week for the design classes I am taking.

I've missed you all. Hope Christmas shopping is going well!
Any fabulous finds are welcome in the comments section! ;)


  1. happy to have you back!! missed ya girlie and those pinned photos are awesome too cute

  2. Welcome back! Hope your finals go well! :)

  3. Hang in there sista and ease back into it!!! Good luck with finals! :)

  4. sounds like you have been super busy!! good luck with the tests :)

  5. Sounds like such a great time!! Always hard getting back to the daily grind:)


Lovely notes to be