Monday, November 14, 2011

MegMac + Giveaway (numero uno)

Hi Birdie Fans!
Meghan here, from MegMac Designs
First of all, many many congrats to Jessica on 100 followers! 
 Jessica was kind enough to ask me to participate in her 100 week, 
and OF COURSE I said yes.
Let’s get acquainted, shall we?
where do you live and what is your favorite thing to do?
I currently live in Chicago, IL., land of the eternal winter.
(alright maybe I’m just a little bitter because we had our first snow already....)
I love all things crafty & DIY, a good bargain, baking, playing music & photographing...anything (seriously, never without my camera)
how did you start your business/shop?
My whole life I’ve been reffered to by family & friends as “The Crafty Beaver”
I always handmade cards, gifts, etc. I always got feedback that I should sell my stuff & for awhile I did it as a little side income. Jut recently I took the plunge into full-time self employment, and while it’s definitely taxing, it’s so fun to be able to make a living doing what I love. 
what is your dream job? if you could do anything in the world what would it be?
Honestly, this is my dream job, 
(wouldn’t mind making more money, but you gotta start somewhere, right?) 
I would love the opportunity to work with the queen bee, Martha,
and I would be totally open for touring as a back-up singer for a rockstar.
Hey, you said dream job, didn’t you?
what are you currently working on?
Well, it’s Christmas season, so I’ve got lot’s of card designs to work on. I’m always working on weddings & bachelorette parties too.
(Check out the shop to see if I can help you too)
tell me about your giveaway...
The giveaway! Free Stuff! Yay!
I’m offering a complimentary set of personalized 3x5 notecards. 
I generally work on a custom basis, so we can dream up any design your little heart desires, 
but here & here are some designs I’ve done in the past.
Good luck, readers! Pleasure meeting all of you! Stop by MegMac Designs and say hi or give us a thumbs up on Facebook!

Have a great day!

• Follow Birdie to be
• Follow MegMac

• Follow Birdie to be on Twitter
• Like MegMac on FB

Leave a separate comment for each. Good Luck!
Winner selected & announced Tuesday, November 22nd!


  1. I now "like" MegMac Designs on FB! Holla!

  2. I know I don't get points for this, but you are have both been on my blog roll for some time! Love both your blogs!

  3. Such a fun giveaway!
    And of course I follow you!

  4. Thank you for introducing me to MegMac designs! Now following!

  5. I follow Birdie to Be
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  6. I follow Megmac designs
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  7. I like megmac designs on fb
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  8. I absolutely adore your blog! I stumbled upon it via Cup 'a Hot Chocolate... I'm so excited you're having a giveaway! Me too, actually! I'd love for you to check it out and enter. And follow me too, of course!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your 100 week! How thrilling!

    -Ashley Marie

  9. I also 'Like' her on FB!


    *entry completion dance*

  10. Just followed u on twitter but you dont have an FB page!? I wanted to follow that as well

  11. Love these designs! So happy to have found another Chicago blogger!
    I'm following MegMac

  12. I am following birdie to be via GFC

  13. I following birdie to be on twitter

  14. i am following MegMac's blog via GFC


Lovely notes to be