Monday, October 3, 2011

Housewaming {-photos}

Our housewarming party this weekend was fabulous!

The bird & I put so much work into the house so far and being able to share it with all of our closest friends & family made it all worth it! It was a surreal day and I love every minute of it!

My one regret is that we have 1 photo from the whole day! :( We were in such a frenzy getting prepped that I didn't even think about getting my camera out for before shots. And during the party... forget it! Never crossed my mind. SO sad! Looking back, hiring a photographer for even just a couple hours would have been well worth it.

Here is the one photo we have:
The bird & I, with his family.

I will get pics up soon of the whole house & some before/after shots! I promise! :)

Happy Monday all! Xo


  1. Don't you hate when you forget to take pictures? It always bums me out!

  2. Aw, but your photo turned out great so it's totally awesome. So glad you had a great party this weekend =)

    - Sarah

  3. On the bright side, it's a good picture!

  4. Aw, I hate it when I forget the camera!! This picture is great though. Can't wait to see more of the house.

  5. Can't wait to see your before/after shots of the house!

  6. Well this is a great pic to have! Sounds like it was fun! xx

  7. i always get wrapped up in the craziness and forget to take photos too! At least you got one good one! lol...

    can't wait to see the before & after shots!

  8. Awe! Forgetting the camera is worst! But so glad you all had fun! Can't wait to see the house :)

  9. Aww! How fun! A big congrats to you!! :D I can't wait to see the house!!!

  10. Congrats!! At least you got the one photo, you can take photos of the house whenever you like. glad you had a great time. xo

  11. That is a really cute picture and congrats on all the progress...nothing feels as good as sharing something you've worked hard for with the people you love the most!

  12. haha too cute i bet you were busy with all your guests and we forgive you for the only photo but we must have a house tour with plenty of photos!


Lovely notes to be