Thursday, September 1, 2011

What do you think?

To register or not to register for a Housewarming Party?!

I'm lost!

As you may know, the Bird & I just purchased our first home!

We just put together a Housewarming Party for our dear friends & family {yes, you are all invited!!!}. We are really excited to share this special time with everyone and its always nice having an excuse to get everyone together!

But I am a little torn about whether or not to register. Some have asked where we are registered, but I still feel a little awkward about it. Is it customary to register for a Housewarming Party?

What are your thoughts? And what have you guys done?


  1. I have been 2 2 housewarming parties where the couple registered! I personally think it is a great idea and do not see an issue with it :) At the parties I went to everyone felt the same way. Go for it!
    Congrats on the house!! =)

  2. Hmm I would register and just tell people who ask. Anyone who doesn't ask can bring their own gifts and hopefully it's something easy to return if it's not your taste. How fun. Lovely house!

    - Sarah

  3. Definitely register if you have people asking, but don't tell everyone about it so that they feel they MUST buy you something, only mention it to those who ask because after all it's so much better to get stuff that you need rather than doubles of things you already have!

  4. I think registering is a good idea! You could always let people know that gifts are optional... Just a thought!

  5. I agree with Sarah... register... and if people ask then let them know...

    and again CONGRATS! love that pic!

  6. i think people want to congratulate you after you purchase your first house and a registry helps them select something for you but don't broadcast if they ask say you casually have a registry, but congrats on the first house!!

  7. If people are asking you, then register. And, you can make sure you get what you need (and want)! Exciting!!

  8. I wouldn't unless I was being asked. I agree with everyone here. By the way, thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday. I am really enjoying my stay at your blog and have subscribed. ;)

  9. Thank you for all the tips! You guys are fabulous

  10. It's always nice to buy something that the couple wants! I guarantee that people will bring gifts, so if they ask, you can tell them you registered! We have lived in our house for over a year and STILL not had a housewarming...I keep telling people we are, but don't ever feel like our house is ready to show. Oh well!

  11. i didn't even know there was such a thing as registering for a housewarming party. but some of the girls above made a good point who can't hurt to register but only tell those people that ask. it would be far too assumptive since it's not overly traditional that you registered for this event/situation... :)

  12. your house looks so cute!!! congrats :)

  13. Congratulations! Let the adventures begin. I like what everyone else is saying. Register for a few things and if people ask lead them there.

    Have a blast!

  14. Congrats dear! Lovely home! I would say to register... agreeing with the rest!

  15. Congrats girl!!! That's so exciting! Like pretty much everyone else has said, register but tell those who ask.


  16. congrats on your home!! what an exciting time!!


Lovely notes to be