Friday, August 26, 2011

Destination: Wedding

Today I am linking up with Long Distance Loving, where we love is home & cornflake dreams (wowza!) for a "Destination: Wedding" link up! What a brilliant way to dream. And dream I did...

I chose Bora Bora. It may sound a little cliche, but I don't know what sounds, or looks better than this:
The link up is intended to make you think about where you would have a destination wedding, if money were not an option. This would be my choice!

I would rent out all of these fabulous bungalows for all of my closest family & friends.
 Because the views do not get better than this!

And I would bring these fabulous pieces with me:


  1. oh my gosh i want to get on a plane right now to bora bora those photos look amazing! and so relaxing! love your outfit, definitely take those with you!

  2. Ok, I'm in! Do they have a half marathon in Bora Bora that we can use an excuse to go? :)

  3. love that dress and suit. wish I was there right now!

  4. ahhhh, so gorgeous!! i want a trip there :)

  5. YAH! thanks for linking up. bora bora is one of my dream vacation spots :) SO gorgeous! xo

  6. Um, I'm not sure what I'm swooning over more...the pictures of the destination...or the outfit!! Both make me want to get away:)

  7. O my goodness. That dress is amazing! The color, the flow-iness & the length are all so perfect! I love it!!


  8. Oh my goodness!! I'd love to go there!! It looks so relaxing! And you picked a great outfit for it!


  9. That is so where I would go too. Looks absolutely lovely and I love the wardrobe you'd take with you.

  10. Bora, the place to be!!!!

  11. Wow look at the blue of that water! And i love the pieces you picked to bring along :)

  12. Cliche or not, it is definitely *fabulous*!!!! I would go there in a second...and I love what you're packing (c: That green pleated maxi is perfection!

  13. I would LOVE to go to Bora Bora! I mean SERIOUSLY, i want to take a vacation there once the mister and I have been settled in this house for awhile!

  14. We went to Bora Bora on our honey moon and it was AMAZING. we plan on going back on our 10 year wedding anniversary. we did the over water bungalow and in the rooms they have glass tables that you can remove so you can feed the fish. the water is also maybe as high as your waist.

    if you do go- i would recommend doing the inclusive part of the resort because most of the hotels are on motus and leaving the resort is pretty difficult.

  15. I would love to go! This is my dream honeymoon. Those hotels over the water1 COUNT ME IN! Now

  16. I want every single piece in your set! SO fabulous. My bestie had a destination wedding in Negril and it was amazing!

  17. I could really do with being in this place just so tired!! Thanks for stopping by my blog doll, I hope your having a great week :) xx

  18. Yes I would love to live, I mean get married there!

  19. FABULOUS :) I'm SO ready for my beach vacay thanks to this post.

    xo, chrissy
    The Perfect Palette

  20. my parents live there part time and it is truly amazing, better than any photos can show. great choice!

    xoxo navy & orange

  21. oh, I have seen pictures of those huts around! I so want to go to there! Beautiful.

  22. Yes please!!!!! I would loveeee to be there right about now! So beautiful!

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Lovely notes to be